Tracking List: Environmental

HB223 - An Act amending the act of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101), known as the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, in recycling fee, further providing for recycling fee for municipal waste landfills and resource recovery facilities.
Sponsor: Rep. Mary Isaacson (D)
Summary: (PN 182) Amends the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, in recycling fee, further providing for recycling fee for municipal waste landfills and resource recovery facilities. Increases the fee from $2 to $5 per ton. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 182 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Local Government

H - Reported as committed - House Local Government

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

HB559 - An Act providing for an erosion and sediment control permit, for compliance, for an annual report and for duties of the Department of Environmental Protection.
Sponsor: Rep. David H. Zimmerman (R)
Summary: (PN 531) The Erosion and Sediment Control Permit Act provides that, except projects subject to National Pollution Discharge Elimination System requirements, a person proposing an earth disturbance activity regulated by erosion and sediment control shall obtain an erosion and sediment control permit from the department. Provides that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) or a conservation district which has a delegation agreement executed with DEP to administer and enforce all or a portion of the requirements shall issue a permit within 45 days of submission of a permit application. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 531 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


HB597 - An Act amending the act of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101), known as the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, in powers and duties, further providing for powers and duties of counties.
Sponsor: Rep. Patty Kim (D)
Summary: (PN 2741) Amends the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, in powers and duties, further providing for powers and duties of counties. Provides for a recycling and waste management fee on municipal solid waste generated within a county's borders. Specifies that the fee may not exceed $4 per ton initially but may be raised every five years to account for inflation and outlines the calculation process for the increase. Provides for the quarterly collection of the fee from the generator of the waste as a surcharge on any fee schedule. Amends the section relating to fees adding a fee may be imposed in addition to any other fee provided under this act. Provides for interest in the case of failed payments. Requires that the funds generated by the fee are to be deposited in a dedicated account or fund to be used exclusively for recycling and waste management activities services, staff or plan implementation and outlines the criteria for the services. Requires the county solid waste authority or county solid waste advisory committee to review the spending plan on the funds. Provides that at the end of each fiscal year, the county or its agents shall provide a report to the department and the county solid waste authority or county solid waste advisory committee detailing how funds were allocated and the impact of the activity or activities the funds supported. Allows counties or their agents to enter into agreements with municipalities, councils of government or other agencies to provide these services. Stipulates that the provisions of this subsection may not preclude a county or its designated agent from negotiating other fees to support described programs. Effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 798)   (PN 798) Amends the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, in powers and duties, further providing for powers and duties of counties. Provides for a recycling and waste management fee on municipal solid waste generated within a county's borders. Specifies that the fee may not exceed $4 per ton initially but may be raised every five years to account for inflation and outlines the calculation process for the increase. Provides for the quarterly collection of the fee from the generator of the waste as a surcharge on any fee schedule and provides for interest in the case of failed payments. Requires that the funds generated by the fee are to be deposited in a dedicated account or fund to be used exclusively for recycling and waste management activities services, staff or plan implementation and outlines the criteria for the services. Requires the county solid waste authority or county solid waste advisory committee to review the spending plan on the funds. Allows counties or their agents to enter into agreements with municipalities, councils of government or other agencies to provide these services. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 798 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 2741 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


H - Voted Favorably From Committee as Amended - House Environmental Resources & Energy

H - Reported as amended - House Environmental Resources & Energy

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

HB963 - An Act establishing the Environmental Justice Policy Center and the Environmental Justice Policy Fund; and making a transfer.
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher M. Rabb (D)
Summary: (PN 983) The Environmental Justice Policy Act establishes the Environmental Justice Policy Center, and an associated board, as a public authority and instrumentality of the commonwealth to promote environmental justice. Provides definitions for board, center, environmental justice and fund. Establishes the Environmental Justice Policy Fund within the State Treasury to carry out the act's provisions and issue grant awards, and $10 million is appropriated from the General Fund to the fund. The center shall submit an annual report specifying its activities and finances. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 983 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


HB1001 - An Act amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for Plastic Pollution Task Force and for its powers and duties.
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher M. Rabb (D)
Summary: (PN 1154) Amends Title 27 (Environmental Resources), to provide for the Plastic Pollution Task Force and for its powers and duties to study the most efficient means of reducing plastic pollution in Pennsylvania and its waters and to develop uniform policies for state and local governments. Provides the General Assembly's findings on plastic pollution. Provides definitions for department, secretary and task force. Establishes the Plastic Pollution Task Force (task force) within the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Provides for task force membership and meetings, specifying the task force shall be convened within 45 days of the effective date. Details the conduct of task force meetings, public hearings, cooperation between departments and reimbursement. Confers powers and duties upon the task force, including the requirements of the report on plastic pollution. Provides the task force shall expire 30 days after issuing its final report. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1154 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


HB1275 - An Act providing for protection of existing riparian buffers, for restoration of impaired riparian buffers, for exemptions, for municipal authority, for powers and duties of Department of Environmental Protection, for property inspections, for delegation to a municipality, for municipal action appeals, for penalties, civil action and liability for costs and for effect on other Commonwealth laws or regulations and municipal ordinances.
Sponsor: Rep. Joe Webster (D)
Summary: (PN 1392) An Act providing for protection of existing riparian buffers, for restoration of impaired riparian buffers, for exemptions, for municipal authority, for powers and duties of Department of Environmental Protection, for property inspections, for delegation to a municipality, for municipal action appeals, for penalties, civil action and liability for costs and for effect on other Commonwealth laws or regulations and municipal ordinances. Provides for the protection and restoration of riparian buffers with the establishment of the Riparian Buffer Protection Act. Provides definitions of related terms. Prohibits land development within a riparian buffer area. Establishes a minimum of 100 feet on each side of the stream for the riparian buffer area. Allows for a minimum width of 300 feet on each side of the waterway for high quality or exceptional value water bodies. Additionally provides for nontidal wetlands, vernal ponds, slopes, and impaired water body identifications. Requires improvements to impaired waterways, including riparian buffer areas composed of a diverse mix of native trees, and requires the development and implementation of an operation and maintenance plan to be approved by the department. Provides for permanent buffer protection by placing a conservation easement on the property. Requires additional permits and approvals for land development near waterways. Requires additional permits and approvals for land development near impaired waterways. Provides exemptions for existing land use and existing land use changes. Provides for selective logging, agricultural production, transportation or utility crossings, feasibility studies, mitigation plans, temporary stream restoration projects, gauging stations, wildlife and fisheries management activities, single-family residence construction, low-impact outdoor recreation facilities and other uses and activities that may affect waterway quality. Provides procedures for existing ordinances, variances, credits for additional density and enforcement. Provides for property inspections and penalties, which may include the suspension of permits or civil penalties of no less than $1,000 and no more than $2,000 per violation per day. Provides for civil action for the recovery of waterway damages. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1392 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


HB1323 - An Act imposing the duty of Department of Environmental Protection to prohibit the construction or installation of wind turbines that negatively affect military installations.
Sponsor: Rep. Zachary Mako (R)
Summary: (PN 1458) The Military Installation Training and Operations Preservation Act provides for the duty of Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to prohibit the construction or installation of wind turbines that negatively affect military installations. Provides definitions for clearinghouse, department, wind turbine and wind turbine owner. Outlines prohibitions, notifications to DEP and applicability. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1458 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


H - First consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Rules


H - Re-reported as committed - House Rules

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Re-committed to - House Rules

HB1607 - An Act amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for electronic waste recycling; imposing duties on the Department of Environmental Protection; establishing the Advisory Committee on Electronic Waste Recycling; and imposing penalties.
Sponsor: Rep. Lisa A. Borowski (D)
Summary: (PN 1874) Amends Title 27 (Environmental Resources), to add a chapter providing for electronic waste recycling; imposes duties on the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); establishes the Advisory Committee on Electronic Waste Recycling within DEP and provides for members of the advisory committee; and imposes penalties. Specifies several definitions. Provides for eco-deposits, on and after March 31, 2024, eco-deposit display, deposit passage, deposit reimbursement, penalty, remittance of eco-deposit, prohibition on sale, noncompliance, duty of retailer to consult registry, registration with clearinghouse and audit. Details clearinghouse designation, requirements, management of eco-deposits, deposit of eco-deposits, allowed expenditures and reserve and reimbursement. Establishes stewardship plan. Provides for collection convenience standard compliance. Provides for establishment of eco-deposit. Provides for covered electronic device (CED) manufacturer requirements and group plan requirements. Specifies convenience standards for program collection sites. Provides for CED manufacturer recycling share responsibility. Establishes individual manufacturer and group plans. Provides for advisory committee and department review of stewardship plan. Details fees for collection or recycling of eligible devices. Provides for recycler responsibilities, collector responsibilities, and annual reports. Details administrative reimbursement and environmental sound management requirements. Provides for disposal ban. Provides for enforcement, antitrust and other CED collection activities, such as waste hauler and e-waste program. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1874 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


HB1740 - An Act amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for transition to renewable energy; imposing duties on the Department of Environmental Protection and other Commonwealth agencies relating to energy consumption and renewable energy generation; establishing the Renewable Energy Transition Task Force, the Just Transition Community Advisory Committee, the Renewable Energy Center of Excellence, the Council for Renewable Energy Workforce Development and the Renewable Energy Workforce Development Fund; providing for interim limits on energy produced from nonrenewable sources and for wage requirement for energy producing systems.
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher M. Rabb (D)
Summary: (PN 2098) Amends Title 27 (Environmental Resources) to provide a chapter for a transition to renewable energy; imposes duties on the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and other commonwealth agencies, establishes related task forces and funds; provides for interim limits on non-renewable energy, and wage requirements. Provides definitions and priorities while establishing the Renewable Energy Transition Task Force to identify existing state laws, regulations and agency programs with an impact on energy production and consumption. Requires the task force to evaluate the programs' potential to support the state's transition to renewable energy and ability to maximize the environmental and economic benefits of the transition. Requires the task force to conduct a study assessing the costs of fossil fuels and renewable energy. Establishes the Just Transition Community Advisory Committee to partner with the task force for accountability and public participation. Establishes executive agency duties and provisions for publication and review. Establishes the Renewable Energy Center of Excellence to conduct and sponsor research on renewable energy, energy efficient technologies, effective adoption practices, barriers to renewable energy access and community outreach models. Establishes an advisory committee for the center. Establishes the Council for Renewable Energy Workforce Development to identify the employment potential of the energy efficiency and renewable energy industry, recognize the skills and training needed for workers in those fields, recommend policies that promote employment growth, prioritize maximizing employment opportunities for fossil fuel workers displaced in the transition to renewable energy, establish targets for the growth of new renewable energy jobs and submit annual reports to recommend changes to state policies. Provides for studies by department to consider pathways towards 100 percent renewable energy for the building sector and policies necessary for new buildings to be zero net energy buildings by 2030. Provides considerations and presentation and review requirements for the studies. Provides for analyses of energy consumption regarding the overall quantity of energy consumed statewide and energy consumed by individual sectors or subsectors. Provides for the publication of analyses. Provides limitations on energy produced from nonrenewable sources for both the state overall and its individual sectors and subsectors. Provides for the projection and enforcement of nonrenewable energy limitations. Enables the expansion of solar and renewable energy generation capacities within state-owned facilities and land with the identification of opportunities, establishment of goals and installation of clean energy generation capacities. Requires the Office of the Budget to determine annually which renewable energy projects have paid back their initial costs with revenue and energy cost savings. Establishes the Renewable Energy Workforce Development Fund to direct funding towards job training, education and job placement assistance for state residents working in the clean energy and energy efficiency industry and for programs and initiatives to benefit fossil fuel workers displaced in the transition. Requires the Office of the Budget to submit an annual report describing progress towards meeting renewable energy installation goals. Requires the Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to study pathways towards 100 percent renewable energy for the transportation sector, giving preference to options that increase access to mass transportation, minimize costs and maximize access to employment centers. Provides for the study's publication, review and updating. Establishes the prevailing wage requirement for energy producing systems while providing exceptions and definitions. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2098 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


HB1821 - An Act amending the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as The Clean Streams Law, in procedure and enforcement, further providing for summary proceedings.
Sponsor: Rep. Kristine C. Howard (D)
Summary: (PN 2258) Amends the Clean Streams Law, in procedure and enforcement, further providing for summary proceedings to be commenced by the Office of Attorney General and provides for the Office of the Attorney General or the district attorney to represent the interests of the commonwealth in appeals. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2258 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


HR104 - A Resolution designating the week of June 4 through 10, 2023, as "Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Sturla (D)
Summary: (PN 1207) Resolution designating the week of June 4 through 10, 2023, as "Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1207 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


H - Reported as committed - House Environmental Resources & Energy

H - Adopted

SB158 - An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, in powers and duties of the Department of Environmental Resources, its officers and departmental and advisory boards and commissions, providing for Office of Environmental Justice.
Sponsor: Sen. Vincent J. Hughes (D)
Summary: (PN 130) Amends The Administrative Code, in powers and duties of the Department of Environmental Resources, its officers and departmental and advisory boards and commissions, providing for Office of Environmental Justice. Establishes the Office of Environmental Justice under the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), directing the office to promote and ensure environmental justice. Directs the secretary of environmental protection to appoint a director. Provides for the power and duties of the office. Directs the secretary of environmental protection to convene a task force of no more than 15 members that meet the specified requirements. Provides for the powers and duties of the task force. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 130 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SB185 - An Act amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in administrative provisions, establishing the Advanced Permit Review Program and the Advanced Permit Review Program Fund; and making an editorial change.
Sponsor: Sen. Gene Yaw (R)
Summary: (PN 168) Amends Title 27 (Environmental Resources), in administrative provisions, establishing the Advanced Permit Review Program in the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Advanced Permit Review Program Fund in the state treasury to appropriate money to the department on a continuing basis to administer the program; and making an editorial change. Provides for the selection of qualified licensed professionals. Specifies definitions of department, permit, program and qualified licensed professional. Details the permit review procedure, the erosion and sediment control permit procedure and the dam safety and waterway management procedure. Provides for a written report from the department to the general assembly relating to the progress in implementing the program not later than 12 months after the effective date of this section. Effective in 60 days.  
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 168 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SB278 - An Act providing for registration of extraordinary water users; imposing a water resource fee; establishing the Water Use Fund; and providing for submission of a question to the electorate authorizing incurring of indebtedness for water-related environmental initiatives.
Sponsor: Sen. Katie J. Muth (D)
Summary: (PN 242) The Pennsylvania Water Resource Act provides for the registration of extraordinary water users; imposes a water resource fee; establishes the Water Use Fund; and provides for the submission of a question to the electorate authorizing incurring of indebtedness for water-related environmental initiatives. This legislation provides that no extraordinary water user may withdraw water from a groundwater or surface water source for a nonmunicipal purpose without filing a registration document with the Department of Environmental Protection. The legislation further provides for extraordinary water user fees and the issuance of PENNVEST bonds. The legislation establishes a referendum procedure related to the issuance of bonds under the Pennsylvania Water Resource Act. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 242 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SB280 - An Act amending the act of January 8, 1960 (1959 P.L.2119, No.787), known as the Air Pollution Control Act, further providing for powers and duties of the Department of Environmental Protection and for civil penalties.
Sponsor: Sen. Katie J. Muth (D)
Summary: (PN 243) Amends the Air Pollution Control Act adding language providing the Department of Environmental Protection shall have the power to require all major facilities to develop and maintain a municipal notification plan designed to give notice to the municipality where the major facility is located and the municipalities directly adjacent to the facility in the event of an industrial equipment breakdown or accident causing air pollution that creates a significant health risk to the municipality and the adjacent municipalities. Further provides for the content of the plan and for civil penalties. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 243 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SB286 - An Act amending the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as The Clean Streams Law, in other pollutions and potential pollution, providing for notice of discharge endangering public health or environment.
Sponsor: Sen. Gene Yaw (R)
Summary: (PN 260) Amends The Clean Streams Law, in other pollutions and potential pollution, providing for notice of discharge endangering public health or the environment. Addresses accidental discharges or spills of substances that enter or may enter the waters of the commonwealth and provides clarifications. Provides that the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) shall publish for public comment, no later than 60 days after the effective day, proposed regulations establishing reportable quantities or other readily ascertainable standards by which a person may determine whether a spill, discharge or release is likely to render the receiving waters harmful to public health or the environment. Provides that the EQB, no later than 180 days after the effective date, shall promulgate final regulations establishing reportable quantities or other readily ascertainable standards by which a person may determine whether a spill, discharge or release is likely to render the receiving waters harmful to public health or the environment. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 260 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


S - First consideration

S - Reported as committed - Senate Environmental Resources & Energy

S - Laid on the table (Pursuant to Senate Rule 9)

SB422 - An Act amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for transition to renewable energy; imposing duties on the Department of Environmental Protection and other Commonwealth agencies relating to energy consumption and renewable energy generation; establishing the Renewable Energy Transition Task Force, the Just Transition Community Advisory Committee, the Renewable Energy Center of Excellence, the Council for Renewable Energy Workforce Development and the Renewable Energy Workforce Development Fund; providing for interim limits on energy produced from nonrenewable sources and for wage requirement for energy producing systems.
Sponsor: Sen. Amanda M. Cappelletti (D)
Summary: (PN 696) Amends Title 27 (Environmental Resources), establishing Chapter 51 for the transition to renewable energy. Presents findings and declarations from the General Assembly. Provides definitions for building sector, center, commonwealth agency, council, department, distressed community, emerging renewable technologies, emission, executive agency, fund, greenhouse gas, nonrenewable energy, public school, renewable energy, secretary, sector, subsector, task force, transportation sector and zero net energy building. Imposes duties on the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and other state agencies related to energy consumption and renewable energy generation. Establishes the Renewable Energy Transition Task Force, the Just Transition Community Advisory Committee, the Renewable Energy Center of Excellence, the Council for Renewable Energy Workforce Development and the Renewable Energy Workforce Development Fund. Provides for interim limits on energy produced from nonrenewable sources and for wage requirements for energy-producing systems. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 696 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SB588 - An Act amending the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as The Clean Streams Law, in procedure and enforcement, further providing for summary proceedings.
Sponsor: Sen. Steven J. Santarsiero (D)
Summary: (PN 1332) Amends the Clean Streams Law, in procedure and enforcement, further providing for summary proceedings to add language asserting all summary proceedings under the provisions of this act may be commenced by the Office of Attorney General (OAG) under the Commonwealth Attorneys Act. Removes language stating, “and to that end jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon district justices.” Provides that it shall be the duty of OAG or the district attorney of the county to represent the interests of the commonwealth. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1332 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SB734 - An Act amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for electronic waste recycling; imposing duties on the Department of Environmental Protection; establishing the Advisory Committee on Electronic Waste Recycling; and imposing penalties.
Sponsor: Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R)
Summary: (PN 819) Amends Title 27 (Environmental Resources) to provide for and outline electronic waste recycling. Inserts definitions for the act. Provides for eco-fees and responsibilities, as well as for clearinghouse and stewardship plan. Establishes collection convenience standard compliance and an eco-fee. Provides for CED manufacturer requirements and group plan requirements. Details convenience standards for program collection sites. Specifies CED manufacturer recycling share responsibility. Provides for individual manufacturer and group plans. Establishes a review of stewardship plan. Provides fees for collection or recycling of eligible devices. Details recycler and collector responsibilities. Provides for annual reports, advisory committee, administrative reimbursement, environmental sound management requirements, disposal ban, enforcement and antitrust. Provides for other CED collective activities including waste hauler and e-waste program. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 819 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SB831 (Chapter 87) - An Act providing for the injection of carbon dioxide into an underground reservoir for the purpose of carbon sequestration, for the ownership of pore space in strata below surface lands and waters of the Commonwealth, for conveyance of the surface ownership of real property; imposing duties on the Department of Environmental Protection; and establishing the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund.
Sponsor: Sen. Gene Yaw (R)
Summary: (PN 1793) The Carbon Capture and Sequestration Act provides for the injection of carbon dioxide into an underground reservoir for the purpose of carbon sequestration, for the ownership of pore space in strata below surface lands and waters of the commonwealth, for conveyance of the surface ownership of real property; imposes duties on the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Environmental Hearing Board; and establishes the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund. Provides and amends certain definitions, striking the definition of “conserved land.” Specifies a lease or conveyance of pore space under any public land may not be made without public notice, hearing and a reasonable opportunity for public comment. Enables the Environmental Hearing Board to require the pore space owned by nonconsenting owners to be included in a storage facility and subject to geologic storage. Specifies that when the applicant of a storage operator cannot locate or reach an agreement with all necessary pore space owners but has secured written consent or agreement from the owners of at least 75 percent of the ownership interest in the pore space for the storage facility, all of the pore space of said interests for which an agreement has not been reached shall be included within the proposed storage facility if the Environmental Hearing Board finds all section requirements have been met. Directs the storage operator to provide a list to the Environmental Hearing Board of all persons reasonably known to own an interest in pore space proposed to be collectively used for a collective storage order. Directs the board to set and collect a fee adequate to pay expenses associated with the conduct of administrative hearings for the collective storage of pore space. Requires an applicant to file proof of notice with the Environmental Hearing Board. Makes related technical language changes. Requires the board to provide a copy of the collective storage order to those required to be notified. Specifies a collective storage order does not grant the storage operator expressed or implied rights of surface use or access. Prohibits the board from considering or approving a collective storage order that involves land owned or managed by the commonwealth, a municipality or an agency, authority or other governmental entity of the commonwealth or a municipality, land subject to a conservation easement under the Conservation and Preservation Easements Act, land owned or managed by a charitable corporation, charitable association or charitable trust registered with the Bureau of Charitable Organizations of the Department of State, or land acquired under the act of Jan. 19, 1967 (1968 P.L.922, No. 442) unless the owner or manager of a pore space, as applicable, has already voluntarily agreed to lease or convey the pore space. Specifies the board may order the payment of reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred by the nonconsenting pore space owner for administrative hearings conducted by the board. Provides for a seismicity monitoring system to be operated by storage operators. Provides conditions for the authorization and operation of carbon sequestration projects, adding language to provide for if a subsurface property interest owner is a producer of a commercially valuable mineral. Makes certain technical changes. Provides for actionable claims. Provides for redress and damages. Requires storage operators to pay the department a fee on each ton of carbon dioxide injected for storage, specifying certain regulations and adding that 50 percent of the fee imposed by the department must be deposited into the fund and that 50 percent of the fee must be deposited into the restricted account within the fund. Establishes the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund as a separate fund within the State Treasury, establishes a restricted account within the fund for Subsection (c)(2) and provides for the department’s administration and use of the fund. Provides for interest, transfers and annual General Assembly appropriations to the fund and restricted account. Provides for certificates of completion. Effective immediately. (Prior Printer Number(s): 921, 1434, 1514, 1774)   (PN 1774) The Carbon Capture and Sequestration Act provides for the injection of carbon dioxide into an underground reservoir for the purpose of carbon sequestration, for the ownership of pore space in strata below surface lands and waters of the commonwealth, for conveyance of the surface ownership of real property; imposing duties on the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Environmental Hearing Board; and establishing the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund. Provides and amends certain definitions. Specifies a lease or conveyance of pore space under any public land may not be made without public notice, hearing and a reasonable opportunity for public comment. Enables the Environmental Hearing Board to require the pore space owned by nonconsenting owners to be included in a storage facility and subject to geologic storage. Specifies that when the applicant of a storage operator cannot locate or reach an agreement with all necessary pore space owners but has secured written consent or agreement from the owners of at least 75 percent of the ownership interest in the pore space for the storage facility, all of the pore space of said interests for which an agreement has not been reached shall be included within the proposed storage facility if the Environmental Hearing Board finds all section requirements have been met. Directs the storage operator to provide a list to the Environmental Hearing Board of all persons reasonably known to own an interest in pore space proposed to be collectively used for a collective storage order. Directs the board to set and collect a fee adequate to pay expenses associated with the conduct of administrative hearings for the collective storage of pore space. Requires an applicant to file proof of notice with the Environmental Hearing Board. Makes related technical language changes. Requires the board to provide a copy of the collective storage order to those required to be notified. Specifies a collective storage order does not grant the storage operator expressed or implied rights of surface use or access. Prohibits the board from considering or approving a collective storage order that involves public land or conserved land open to the public. Specifies the board may order the payment of reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred by the nonconsenting pore space owner for administrative hearings conducted by the board. Provides for a seismicity monitoring system to be operated by storage operators. Provides conditions for the authorization and operation of carbon sequestration projects. Makes certain technical changes. Eliminates certain conditions for a claimant to prove that the injection or migration of carbon dioxide was performed without reasonable care. Provides for redress and damages. Requires storage operators to pay the department a fee on each ton of carbon dioxide injected for storage, specifying certain regulations and adding that 50 percent of the fee imposed by the department must be deposited into the fund and that 50 percent of the fee must be deposited into the restricted account within the fund. Establishes the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund as a separate fund within the State Treasury, establishes a restricted account within the fund for Subsection (c)(2) and provides for the department’s administration and use of the fund. Provides for interest, transfers and annual General Assembly appropriations to the fund and restricted account. Provides for certificates of completion. Effective immediately. (Prior Printer Number(s): 921, 1434, 1514)   (PN 1514) The Carbon Capture and Sequestration Act provides for the injection of carbon dioxide into an underground reservoir for the purpose of carbon sequestration, for the ownership of pore space in strata below surface lands and waters of the commonwealth, for conveyance of the surface ownership of real property; imposing duties on the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); and establishing the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund. Strikes the definition for “escrow.” Replaces “division” with “department” for the recipient of proof of notice. Replaces language related to the segregation of funds, adding that 50 percent of the fee imposed by the department must be deposited into the fund and that 50 percent of the fee must be deposited into the restricted account within the fund. Strikes language related to funds. Establishes the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund as a separate fund within the State Treasury, establishes a restricted account within the fund and provides for its use. Provides for interest and provides that money in the fund and the restricted account are annually appropriated by the General Assembly. Effective immediately. (Prior Printer Number(s): 921, 1434)   (PN 1434) The Carbon Capture and Sequestration Act provides for the injection of carbon dioxide into an underground reservoir for the purpose of carbon sequestration, for the ownership of pore space in strata below surface lands and waters of the commonwealth, for conveyance of the surface ownership of real property; imposing duties on the Department of Environmental Protection; and establishes the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund. Removes “leasehold” from the definition of “subsurface property interest owner.” Makes editorial changes. Adds that notwithstanding that the contract of lease was entered into with a subsurface property interest owner of a predecessor to the subsurface property interest owner to subsection (c.3) related to construction. Removes subsection (c) related to seismic study. Adds section 5.1, establishing seismic activity review requirements and seismic survey or assessments. Provides for entry onto lands and limitation and claims. Provides for conditions for authorization, adding that upon submission of a UIC Class VI permit application, the storage operator should provide notice of application to the surface property interest owners and subsurface property interest owners in the vicinity of the storage facility. Outlines guidelines and requirements for seismic monitoring. Adds that to operate a carbon sequestration project, a storage operator should design the project to isolate any existing or future production from the mineral, including coal, or oil and gas estate, from the carbon dioxide plume and must indicate whether the storage facility contains commercially valuable minerals. Provides for redress and damages, adding that a surface property interest owner or subsurface property interest owner or lessee who incurs injury or damage or loss of property value as a result of the injection or migration of carbon dioxide has the right of action against the storage operator for injunction, damages or other appropriate civil or equitable relief. Outlines the recovery requirements for surface property interest owners, subsurface property interest owners or lessees. Effective immediately. (Prior Printer Number(s): 921)   (PN 921) The Carbon Capture and Sequestration Act provides for the injection of carbon dioxide into an underground reservoir for the purpose of carbon sequestration., for conveyance of ownership. Provides definitions for the act. Provides the ownership of pore space in strata below surface lands and waters of the commonwealth shall be vested in the owner of the surface above the pore space. Outlines contenants, ownership of pore space by multiple contenants and collective storage and requires the carry out of a seismic study. Authorizes carbon sequestration projects within the commonwealth. Provides details for the ownership of material injected into the storage site, liability of storage operators and operation and storage fees. Establishes the Carbon Dioxide Storage Facility Fund (fund) within the State Treasury to be administered by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Provides a certificate of project completion shall be issued after all carbon dioxide injections are complete. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 921 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1434 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1514 -  HTML  PDF 
Senate Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 1434 -  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1774 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1793 -  HTML  PDF 
06/25/2024 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
06/27/2024 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


S - First consideration

S - Reported as committed - Senate Environmental Resources & Energy

S - Laid on the table (Pursuant to Senate Rule 9)

S - Removed from table

S - Second consideration

S - Laid on the table

S - Removed from table

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Amended on third consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Voted Favorably From Committee - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Appropriations

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Amended on third consideration

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Third consideration and final passage


H - Voted Favorably From Committee as Amended - House Consumer Protection, Technology & Utilities


H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Placed on HVS

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Second consideration, with amendments

H - Re-referred to - House Appropriations

H - Voted Favorably From Committee  - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Third consideration and final passage 


S - Re-reported on concurrence, as committed  - Senate Rules & Executive Nominations

S - Senate concurred in House amendments 

S - Signed in Senate

H - Signed in House

G - Presented to the Governor

G - Approved by the Governor - Act 87

SB1216 - An Act amending the act of July 13, 1988 (P.L.530, No.94), known as the Environmental Hearing Board Act, further providing for jurisdiction.
Sponsor: Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R)
Summary: (PN 1649) Amends the Environmental Hearing Board Act, further providing for jurisdiction. Establishes jurisdiction for the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit over any civil action or other appeal, challenge or petition for review of a department decision issued under 15 U.S.C. Ch. 15B (relating to natural gas). Allows any person aggrieved by a department decision to file civil action or other appeal, challenge or petition for review in the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1649 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SR76 - A Resolution opposing the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule imposed by the President of the United States, the United States Department of the Army and the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Sponsor: Sen. Michele Brooks (R)
Summary: (PN 498) Resolution opposing the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule imposed by the President of the United States, the United States Department of the Army and the United States Environmental Protection Agency and urges the Senate to oppose WOTUS.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 498 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SR270 - A Resolution recognizing the 54th celebration of "Earth Day" on April 22, 2024, in Pennsylvania.
Sponsor: Sen. Amanda M. Cappelletti (D)
Summary: (PN 1529) Resolution recognizing the 54th celebration of "Earth Day" on April 22, 2024, in Pennsylvania.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1529 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SR295 - A Resolution directing the Joint State Government Commission, along with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the Department of Community and Economic Development and the Department of Environmental Protection, to conduct an assessment and develop recommendations with the intention of establishing a comprehensive State energy strategy for this Commonwealth.
Sponsor: Sen. Jarrett Coleman (R)
Summary: (PN 1648) Resolution directing the Joint State Government Commission (JSGC), along with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC), the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), to conduct an assessment and develop recommendations with the intention of establishing a comprehensive state energy strategy for this commonwealth. Requires JSGC, on behalf of itself, PUC, DCED and DEP, to submit its final report no later than 12 months after the adoption of this resolution to the governor, the chairperson of PUC, the secretaries of DCED and DEP, the chairperson and minority chairperson of the Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee, the chairperson and minority chairperson of the Senate and House Environmental Resources and Energy Committees and the chairperson and minority chairperson of the House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1648 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced


SR305 - A Resolution designating the week of June 2 through 8, 2024, as "Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Sponsor: Sen. Gene Yaw (R)
Summary: (PN 1687) Resolution designating the week of June 2 through 8, 2024, as "Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1687 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced
