Tracking List: Fish & Boat

HB80 - An Act amending the act of February 14, 2008 (P.L.6, No.3), known as the Right-to-Know Law, in procedure, further providing for exceptions for public records.
Sponsor: Rep. Clint Owlett (R)
Summary: (PN 69) Amends the Act the Right-to-Know Law, in procedure, provides for a requester to request a record of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's noncriminal investigations. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 69 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

HB365 - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, further providing for exemptions from license requirements.
Sponsor: Rep. Ed Neilson (D)
Summary: (PN 332) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in fishing licenses, further providing for exemptions from license requirements by adding language to provide for therapeutic recreation. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 332 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 332 -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Reported as committed - House Game and Fisheries

H - Removed from table

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Third consideration and final passage

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

HB423 - An Act amending the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375, No.325), known as the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, further providing for permit issuance and conditions and for enforcement orders.
Sponsor: Rep. Joe Hamm (R)
Summary: (PN 390) Amends the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, further providing for permit issuance and conditions and for enforcement orders. Provides the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) shall have no authority or jurisdiction related to stream maintenance or clearing activities within Pennsylvania. Further provides that no approval or authorization from the PFBC shall be required for any stream maintenance or clearing activities within Pennsylvania. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) may not delegate its authority related to stream maintenance or clearing activities to the PFBC. Provides nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the PFBC from being involved in an advisory capacity with permits and plans regarding the construction or installation of new bridges or culverts. Establishes PFBC may only enforce its stream maintenance or clearing activities when there is a potential violation under 30 Pa.C.S. (relating to fish) due to a person not having a valid permit or conducting an activity that was not authorized by the permit. Further provides PFBC shall not find that a stream maintenance or clearing activity violates 30 Pa.C.S. if the stream maintenance or clearing activity is general maintenance of a bridge or culvert. Provides PFBC shall not enforce a penalty for a violation under 30 Pa.C.S. until PFBC contacts DEP and the relevant county conservation district to ensure that the stream maintenance or clearing activity was not authorized by a valid permit. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 390 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

HB523 - An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, in personal income tax, further providing for operational provisions and providing for contributions for Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Sponsor: Rep. Ed Neilson (D)
Summary: (PN 491) Amends Tax Reform Code, in personal income tax, further providing for operational provisions and providing for contributions for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Provides each entity receiving money shall report annually to the respective committees of the House of Representatives and Senate that have jurisdiction over the appropriation matters on the amount received via the checkoff plan and how the funds were utilized. Further provides the Department of Revenue (DOR) to provide a space on the Pennsylvania individual income tax return whereby an individual may voluntarily designate a contribution for the Pennsylvania fish and wildlife management. Directs the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and Pennsylvania Game Commission to report annually to the respective committees of the House of Representatives and Senate that have jurisdiction over fishing and game matters on the amount received via the checkoff plan and how the funds were utilized. Effective in 90 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 491 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Finance

HB877 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, providing for active duty military fishing reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual fishing license reciprocity; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, providing for active duty military hunting reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual hunting license reciprocity.
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Pielli (D)
Summary: (PN 853) Amends Title 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), providing for active duty military fishing reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual fishing license reciprocity; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, providing for active duty military hunting reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual hunting license reciprocity. Provides that any person who possesses a valid and lawfully issued active duty military fishing license or permit issued under the laws of another state may fish in any of the waters of the commonwealth or in any boundary waters if the state provides a reciprocal privilege for a nonresident individual on active duty in the armed forces of the U.S. and the attorney general determines that the fishing laws of the state are similar to the fishing laws of the commonwealth. Further provides that any person who possesses a valid and lawfully issued disabled veteran annual fishing license or permit issued under the laws of another state may fish in any of the waters of the commonwealth or in any boundary waters if the state provides a reciprocal privilege for individuals possessing a disabled veteran annual fishing license and the attorney general determines that the fishing laws of the state are similar to the fishing laws of the commonwealth. Provides that any person who possesses a valid and lawfully issued active duty military hunting license or permit may hunt in the commonwealth if the state provides a reciprocal privilege for individuals possessing an active duty military hunting license and the attorney general determines that the hunting laws of the state are similar to the hunting laws of the commonwealth. Further provides that any person who possesses a valid and lawfully issued disabled veteran annual hunting license or permit issued under the laws of another state may hunt in the commonwealth if the state provides a reciprocal privilege for individuals possessing a disabled veteran annual hunting license and the attorney general determines that the hunting laws of the state are similar to the hunting laws of the commonwealth. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 853 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 853 -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Reported as committed - House Game and Fisheries

H - Removed from table

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Third consideration and final passage

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

HB1031 (Chapter 6) - An Act designating the boat access located on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River in Muncy Creek Township, Lycoming County, as the Representative Garth Everett Muncy Access Area.
Sponsor: Rep. Joe Hamm (R)
Summary: (PN 1047) Act designating the boat access located on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River in Muncy Creek Township, Lycoming County, as the Representative Garth Everett Muncy Access Area. Directs the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) to erect and maintain appropriate signs displaying the name of the boat access. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1047 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 1047 -  PDF 
General Act - Acts & Vetoes -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Transportation

H - Reported as committed - House Transportation

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Third consideration and final passage

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Reported as committed - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Second consideration

S - Third consideration and final passage

H - Signed in House

S - Signed in Senate

G - Presented to the Governor

G - Approved by the Governor

G - Act No. 6 of 2023

HB1409 (Chapter 129) - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for power to set fees; and, in fishing licenses, further providing for license, permit and issuing agent fees.
Sponsor: Rep. Anita Astorino Kulik (D)
Summary: (PN 1577) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, provides the commission the authority to establish license and permit fees until July 15, 2035. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 1577 -  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1577 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Rules

H - Reported as committed - House Game and Fisheries

H - Re-reported as committed - House Rules

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Third consideration and final passage

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Discussed during public hearing - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Discussed during budget hearing with the PA Fish and Boat Commission and PA Game Commission - Senate Appropriations

H - Discussed during informational meeting - House Game and Fisheries

S - Voted Favorably From Committee - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Reported as committed - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Voted Favorably From Committee  - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Appropriations

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Third consideration and final passage 

S - Vote on final passage reconsidered 

S - Final passage

H - Signed in House

S - Signed in Senate

G - Presented to the Governor

G - Approved by the Governor

G - Act No. 129 of 2024

HB1508 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for organization of commission; and, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Summary: (PN 1724) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for organization of commission; and, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission. Removes language related to the consent of a majority of the members elected to the Senate for the appointment of the ten citizens to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat commission and replaces it with for each each district. Provides the member requirements and outlines the appointment process. Adds further definitions. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1724 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - Discussed during informational meeting - House Game and Fisheries

HB1775 - An Act authorizing the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain land owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in Overfield Township, Wyoming County.
Sponsor: Rep. Tina Pickett (R)
Summary: (PN 2180) Act authorizing the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain land owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in Overfield Township, Wyoming County. Authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain land owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) in Overfield Township, Wyoming County. Defines the parcels of land to be released from Project 70 restrictions. Establishes all proceeds from the sale of the property described in subsection (b) will be deposited into a restricted revenue account within the Fish Fund and used for the acquisition of lands meeting the standards for acquisition described in section 18(b) of the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2180 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House State Government

HB1858 - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for Boating Advisory Board.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Delloso (D)
Summary: (PN 2334) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for Boating Advisory Board. Asserts that the board shall consist of the Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources, or a designee of the secretary, and the described two at-large members of the commission. Removes language relative to officers providing that the assistant executive director for watercraft safety shall serve as secretary. Effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 2330)   (PN 2330) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for Boating Advisory Board to assert that the board shall consist of the secretary of conservation and natural resources, or a designee of the secretary, and the two at-large members of the commission. Removes certain language providing for officers. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2330 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 2334 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Corrective Reprint -
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - Discussed during informational meeting - House Game and Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Game and Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game and Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

HB2209 - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in dams, bar racks and migration devices, further providing for marking of dams.
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Mihalek (R)
Summary: (PN 3516) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in dams, bar racks and migration devices, further providing for marking of dams. Makes technical and specification changes. Directs the department to compile and maintain a list of existing dams on the waters of this commonwealth that are run-of-the-river dams and within three months of the effective date, the department shall notify the permittees and owners of all run-of-the-river dams of the requirements by certified letter. Asserts that within six months of receiving notification of the requirements from the department, the permittees and owners of the run-of-the-river dams shall comply with the requirements to mark the areas above and below the dams and on the banks immediately adjacent to the dams during the time periods of the year required by the commission with signs and buoys of a design and content determined by the commission to warn the swimming, fishing and boating public of the hazards posed by the dam. Provides for dams that meet the definition of “’run-of-the-river dam” and imposes duties on the Environmental Hearing Board. Provides for the online publication of the list compiled and maintained by the department under subsection (b) and a map of the commonwealth to show the locations of all run-of-the-river dams within the commonwealth. Redefines “run-of-the-river dam” to eliminate certain qualifications. Effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 2931)   (PN 2931) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in dams, bar racks and migration devices, further providing for marking of dams. Makes technical and specification changes. Provides for the online publication of the list compiled and maintained by the department under subsection (b) and a map of the commonwealth to show the locations of all run-of-the-river dams within the commonwealth. Redefines “run-of-the-river dam” to eliminate qualifications. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3516 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 2931 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - Corrective Reprint, Printer's No. 3516

HB2508 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, further providing for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Pielli (D)
Summary: (PN3526) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in fishing licenses, further providing for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions. Makes editorial changes throughout the act to replace certain language providing for war or armed conflict with “military” and “military service.” Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3526 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

HB2511 - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in preliminary provisions relating to boats and boating, further providing for registrations, licenses, permits, plates and statistics.
Sponsor: Rep. Stephanie Borowicz (R)
Summary: (PN 3534) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in preliminary provisions relating to boats and boating, further providing for registrations, licenses, permits, plates and statistics; and providing restrictions upon the commission’s ability to promulgate regulations or require a permit or other launch or related registration for a boat not equipped with a motor. Establishes penalties and offense gradings. Specifies all regulations are abrogated to the extent of any inconsistency with the act. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3534 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

HB2531 - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for at-risk, derelict and abandoned boats; and imposing penalties.
Sponsor: Rep. Anita Astorino Kulik (D)
Summary: (PN 3558) Amends Title 30 (Fish), providing for at-risk, derelict and abandoned boats; and imposing penalties. Defines the terms “abandoned boat”, “at-risk boat”, “derelict boat”, “law enforcement agency”, “law enforcement officer” and “municipality.” Provides a boat is abandoned if the boat is physically inoperable and left unattended, remained illegally, left unattended without valid registration or along waters of the commonwealth or other public property or remained on private property of a salvor for 20 days. Provides for rebuttal of presumption. Establishes authorization for a municipality or law enforcement agency to investigate at-risk boats, derelict boats or abandoned boats within their jurisdiction in collaboration with the commission. Provides the commission shall be notified within five days of the discovery by the municipality or law enforcement agency and include their name and contact information, the location and condition of the boat and identifying information of the boat including registration, license, capacity plate and the name of the owner. Requires the municipality or law enforcement agency in collaboration with the commission to notify the owner through certified mail with a return receipt requested. Provides the notice to the owner shall include identification of the boat that must be removed from its current location, repaired, salvaged, securely stored or junked, contact information for the commission, a statement that if the boat is not dealt with ten days after the receipt of the notice, the boat will be removed, stored or junked at the owner’s expense and the owner will be subject to fines or other penalties. Requires public notice through a newspaper of general circulation within the municipality or jurisdiction of the law enforcement agency with a timeframe of ten days after the release of the notice if a notice to the owner is unsuccessful. Provides the owner within ten days of receipt of the notice should make proper changes to the boat as appropriate or make alternative arrangements with the notifying parties. Provides in the case of an at-risk boat removed after the 10-day period, the owner could be subject to paying accrued costs of removal or storage of the at-risk boat and would be committing a misdemeanor of the third degree with a possible fine of up to $5,000 after conviction. Establishes that after the 10-day period, an owner of a derelict or abandoned boat has no right to claim their boat, it shall be removed and junked at the owner’s expense and the owner will be subject to a misdemeanor of the third degree and sentenced to pay a fine up to $5,000 after conviction. Provides a municipality, law enforcement agency or the commission can commence an action to recover costs for the removal or storage of an at-risk boat or removal or junking of a derelict or abandoned boat. Provides for the development, posting and submittal of forms related to investigations of boats. Establishes the chapter does not alter or supersede any law or ordinance or penalty relating to nuisances under State law or municipal ordinance. Provides the commission can adopt or change rules or regulations relating to at-risk, derelict or abandoned boats including the transfer of ownership of or interest in the boats. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3558 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Game and Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game and Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

HB2534 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, providing for law enforcement; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions and for license costs and fees.
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Rigby (R)
Summary: (PN 3565) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in fishing licenses, adding a section to provide for law enforcement; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions and for license costs and fees. Requires the commission or a county treasurer to issue one annual resident fishing license for $1 to any person eligible for the license who provides documentation that they are employed as a corrections officer or law enforcement officer in this commonwealth. Allows the commission to promulgate regulations to implement this section. Defines “corrections officer” and “law enforcement officer.” Adds a subsection providing for law enforcement hunting licenses, requiring the licenses to be issued by the commission, county treasurer or other issuing agent to any person otherwise eligible for a resident hunting license in this commonwealth who provides documentation that they are employed as a corrections officer or a law enforcement officer. Defines “correction officer” and “law enforcement officer.” Adds a $1 fee for law enforcement hunting licenses. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3565 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

HB2575 - An Act authorizing the transfer of an easement interest in lands for a portion of the Project 70 lands owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, known as Lake Winola Access, in Overfield Township, Wyoming County, to the Department of Transportation.
Sponsor: Rep. Tina Pickett (R)
Summary: (PN 3626) An Act authorizing the transfer of an easement interest in lands for a portion of the Project 70 lands owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, known as Lake Winola Access, in Overfield Township, Wyoming County, to the Department of Transportation. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3626 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House State Government

HB2608 - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for waterways patrolmen and employees.
Sponsor: Rep. Ed Neilson (D)
Summary: (PN 3685) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for waterways patrolmen and employees. Inserts that each full-time waterways conservation officer whose duty it is to enforce this title shall be classified in the same manner as members of the Pennsylvania State Police for purposes of compensation. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3685 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Game and Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game and Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Placed on HVS

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Voted Favorably From Committee  - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Third consideration and final passage 

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

HCO2894 - Designating April as Low Head Dam Public Safety Awareness Month
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Mihalek (R)
Summary: Resolution designating April as Low Head Dam Public Safety Awareness Month in Pennsylvania.
Bill Text: 03/27/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HR363

HCO3284 - Addressing the Issue of Abandoned and Derelict Boats
Sponsor: Rep. Anita Astorino Kulik (D)
Summary: Aims to increase the penalty for abandoning a boat from a summary offense to a third-degree misdemeanor.
Bill Text: 05/16/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HB2531

HCO3405 - Non-Motor-Powered Boat Registration, Launch Permit and License Exemption
Sponsor: Rep. Stephanie Borowicz (R)
Summary: Aims to remove bureaucratic red tape, regulation and unnecessary licenses from PA boat registration, launch permits and license exemptions.
Bill Text: 06/17/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO3470 - Reduced Hunting and Fishing License Fee for Law Enforcement
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Rigby (R)
Summary: Considers establishing a reduced fee for hunting and fishing licenses for law enforcement, including Local Police Officers, State Troopers, and Correction Officers. 
Bill Text: 07/08/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HB2534

HCO3478 - Free Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Peacetime Veterans with a Disability
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Pielli (D)
Summary: Aims to give peacetime veterans with a disability the same eligibility criteria for free or discounted hunting and fishing licenses as war and armed conflict veterans.
Bill Text: 07/11/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO3598 - Pay Scale for Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Officers
Sponsor: Rep. Ed Neilson (D)
Summary: Provides for legislation that would require full-time Waterways Conservation Officers (WCOs) to be compensated on the same pay scale as Pennsylvania State Police Officers.
Bill Text: 09/16/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO3602 - National Hunting & Fishing Day
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Armanini (R)
Summary: Resolution designating September 28, 2024, as "National Hunting and Fishing Day."
Bill Text: 09/17/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HR539

HR539 - A Resolution recognizing September 28, 2024, as "National Hunting and Fishing Day" in Pennsylvania.
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Armanini (R)
Summary: (PN 3652) Resolution recognizing September 28, 2024, as "National Hunting and Fishing Day" in Pennsylvania.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3652 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Game and Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game and Fisheries

SB138 - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, further providing for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war; and making an editorial change.
Sponsor: Sen. Doug Mastriano (R)
Summary: (PN 153) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in fishing licenses, providing free resident fishing licenses for first responders who have a disability incurred in the line of duty that prevents substantial employment and meets certain qualifications. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 153 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

SB146 (Chapter 1) - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, further providing for exemptions from license requirements.
Sponsor: Sen. Jim R. Brewster (D)
Summary: (PN 120) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in fishing licenses, further providing for exemptions from license requirements. Provides that a participant in a therapeutic recreation program shall not be required to possess a fishing license while participating in the education program provided that the program meets the standards established by the executive director and is under the direct supervision of an instructor who possesses a valid fishing license and the program sponsor applied for and received the written permission of the executive director. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 120 -  HTML  PDF 
Senate Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 120 -  PDF 
03/18/2024 - House Fiscal Note -  PDF 
General Act - Acts & Vetoes -  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Reported as committed - Senate Game and Fisheries


S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Rules and Executive Nominations

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Appropriations

S - Third consideration and final passage

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game and Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Third consideration and final passage

S - Signed in Senate

H - Signed in House

G - Presented to the Governor

G - Approved by the Governor

G - Act No. 1 of 2024

SB411 - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, further providing for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war and for deployed Pennsylvania National Guard members and repealing provisions relating to reserve component of armed forces members.
Sponsor: Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R)
Summary: (PN 360) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in fishing licenses, further providing for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war and for deployed Pennsylvania National Guard members. Removes language providing for the general rule for disabled veterans as well as war or armed conflict veterans. Adds language to provide for "service-connected" disability. Provides that an application submitted by a disabled veteran shall include a copy of the disability rating determination letter from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Establishes who is eligible for the commission or county treasurer to issue a free disabled veteran lifetime fishing license to. Provides for reserve component of armed forces members and deployed Pennsylvania National Guard members. Repeals provisions relating to the reserve component of armed forces. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 360 -  HTML  PDF 
Senate Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 360 -  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Reported as committed - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Appropriations

S - Third consideration and final passage 

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Game and Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game and Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

SB522 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, providing for volunteer firefighters; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions and for license costs and fees.
Sponsor: Sen. Michele Brooks (R)
Summary: (PN 494) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in fishing licenses, providing for annual fishing licenses for $1 to eligible volunteer firefighters; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, providing for $1 hunting licenses for eligible volunteer firefighters. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 494 -  HTML  PDF 
10/21/2024 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Voted Favorably From Committee - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Reported as committed - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Appropriations

S - Laid out for discussion

H - Referred to - House Game and Fisheries

SB847 - An Act authorizing the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain land owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in Overfield Township, Wyoming County.
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa Baker (R)
Summary: (PN 999) The act authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain land owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in Overfield Township, Wyoming County. Effective immediately. (PN 999) The act authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain land owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in Overfield Township, Wyoming County. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 999 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate State Government

S - Reported as committed - Senate State Government

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Third consideration and final passage 

H - Referred to - House State Government

SB916 (Chapter 51) - An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in registration of vehicles, providing for Pennsylvania Sportsman plate and establishing the Youth Hunting and Fishing Restricted Account.
Sponsor: Sen. Wayne Langerholc (R)
Summary: (PN 1786) Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in registration of vehicles, further providing for lost, stolen, damaged or illegible registration plate and for use of farm vehicle plates, adding a section to provide for Pennsylvania Sportsman plate and to establish the Youth Hunting and Fishing Restricted Account (account) in the State Treasury to be appropriated continuously to the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). Provides for the reissuance of a registration plate at no cost to the registrant in the same style as the original registration plate when determined by an authorized representative of the department or law enforcement that the registration plate is illegible from a reasonable distance. Provides for certain applications. Requires a truck or truck tractor bearing farm vehicle registration plates to be used exclusively upon a farm or farms owned or operated by the registrant of the vehicle or upon highways between such a farm or farms and a place of business or place of residence for the purpose of buying or selling agricultural commodities or supplies, regardless of whether the vehicle is operated by the registrant of the vehicle or an employee of the registrant of the vehicle. Directs the department, in consultation with PGC and PFBC, to design a special Pennsylvania Sportsman registration plate no later than 60 days after the effective date. Asserts that the department shall issue a Pennsylvania Sportsman registration plate to the person upon application and payment of a $40 fee, which shall be in addition to the registration fee. Provides for limitation on gross weight. Stipulates that the sum of $14 of each fee collected under subsection (b) shall be deposited into the account. Outlines how the money in the account shall be allocated. The amendment of 75 PA.C.S. §1333 (B.1) and 1344(A)(3) is effective in 60 days. The remainder of the act is effective immediately. (Prior Printer’s Number(s): 1510)   (PN 1510) Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in registration of vehicles, adding a section to provide for Pennsylvania Sportsman plate and to establish the Youth Hunting and Fishing Restricted Account (account) in the State Treasury to be appropriated continuously to the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). Directs the department, in consultation with PGC and PFBC, to design a special Pennsylvania Sportsman registration plate no later than 60 days after the effective date. Asserts that the department shall issue a Pennsylvania Sportsman registration plate to the person upon application and payment of a $40 fee, which shall be in addition to the registration fee. Provides for limitation on gross weight. Stipulates that the sum of $14 of each fee collected under subsection (b) shall be deposited into the account. Outlines how the money in the account shall be allocated. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1786 -  HTML  PDF 
Senate Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 1510 -  PDF 
04/05/2024 - Senate Fiscal Note -  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1510 -  HTML  PDF 
06/26/2024 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
06/26/2024 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
07/02/2024 - House Fiscal Note -  PDF 
General Act - Acts & Vetoes -  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Transportation

S - Voted Favorably From Committee - Senate Transportation

S - Reported as committed - Senate Transportation

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Voted Favorably From Committee - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Appropriations

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Third consideration and final passage

H - Referred to - House Transportation

H - Voted Favorably From Committee as Amended - House Transportation

H - Reported as amended - House Transportation

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Placed on HVS

H - Second consideration

H - Re-referred to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Third consideration and final passage


S - Voted Favorably From Committee  - Senate Rules and Executive Nominations

S - Re-reported on concurrence, as committed - Senate Rules and Executive Nominations

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Senate concurred in House amendments 

S - Signed in Senate

H - Signed in House

G - Presented to the Governor

G - Approved by the Governor

G - Act No. 51 of 2024

SB917 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, providing for law enforcement; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions and for license costs and fees.
Sponsor: Sen. Wayne Langerholc (R)
Summary: (PN 1849) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in fishing licenses, providing for law enforcement; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions and for license costs and fees. Provides that the commission or a county treasurer issues one annual resident fishing license at a cost of one dollar to any person eligible under Section 2701 (relating to resident fishing licenses) who provides documentation that the person is employed as an officer in the state. Provides for law enforcement hunting licenses issued to any person otherwise eligible who provides documentation that the person is employed in the state as an officer. Establishes a law enforcement license cost at one dollar. Adds further definitions to the titles, respectively. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1849 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

SB976 - An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in preliminary provisions relating to boats and boating, further providing for boating education.
Sponsor: Sen. Lindsey Marie Williams (D)
Summary: (PN 1220) Amends Title 30 (Fish), in preliminary provisions relating to boats and boating, further providing for boating education. Exempts a person who operates a motorboat powered by a motor of 25 horsepower or less that is not a personal watercraft from the requirements of the boating education section. Removes certain language relating to commission duties for boating education. Asserts that the commission shall issue a certificate of boating safety education to a person who pays the fee under section 5104 (relating to fees) and passes a commission-approved course in boating safety education or requests a replacement or duplicate certificate. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1220 -  HTML  PDF 
11/09/2023 - Senate Fiscal Note -  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Discussed during public hearing - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Voted Favorably From Committee - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Reported as committed - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Appropriations

S - Laid on the table (Pursuant to Senate Rule 9)

S - Removed from table

SB1194 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of waterways conservation officers and deputies; and, in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of enforcement officers.
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa Baker (R)
Summary: (PN 1613) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of waterways conservation officers and deputies; and, in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of enforcement officers. Provides provisions for water conservation officers, Game Commission officers and wildlife officers may wear body cameras in the performance of their duties. Provides that this does not apply to deputy water conservation officers, Game Commission and wildlife officers. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1613 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Voted Favorably From Committee - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - Reported as committed - Senate Game and Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

SCO1387 - Pennsylvania Sportsman License Plate
Sponsor: Sen. Wayne Langerholc (R)
Summary: Creates a new special registration license plate for Pennsylvania sportsmen who hunt, fish and are active woodsmen.
Bill Text: 01/29/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
S - Cosponsor memo filed

S - Introduced SB916

S - Referred to - Senate Transportation

SCO1858 - Further Body Camera Authorization at the Game Commission and Fish & Boat Commission
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa Baker (R)
Summary: Authorizes deputy law enforcement officers with both the Fish and Boat Commission and the Game Commission to wear body cameras.
Bill Text: 04/05/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
S - Cosponsor memo filed