Tracking List: Game

HB59 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.
Sponsor: Rep. Joe Emrick (R)
Summary: (PN 48) Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. Provides that a person violates this section when they intentionally or knowingly affect the condition or placement of personal or public property intended for use in the lawful taking, viewing, photographing or video recording of wildlife or other permitted activities in order to impair its usefulness or prevent its use. Further provides that except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2), a violation of this section is a summary offense of the second degree and any violation of subsection (a)(6) is a summary offense of the first degree with denial of the right to hunt or trap, with or without a license, for a period of one year for violations that receive a summary offense of the first degree. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 48 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB190 - An Act amending Titles 34 (Game), 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in enforcement, further providing for jurisdiction and penalties; in sentencing, further providing for sentencing generally, for fine, for collection of restitution, reparation, fees, costs, fines and penalties and for payment of court costs, restitution and fines, repealing provisions relating to fine and further providing for failure to pay fine; in licensing of drivers, repealing provisions relating to suspension of operating privilege for failure to respond to citation, providing for fee for restoration of operating privilege and further providing for restoration of operating privilege, for occupational limited license and for probationary license; in financial responsibility, further providing for definitions; and, in penalties and disposition of fines, repealing provisions relating to inability to pay fine and costs.
Sponsor: Rep. Dan L. Miller (D)
Summary: (PN 148) Amends Titles 34 (Game), 42 (Judiciary & Judicial Procedure), and 85 (Vehicles), in enforcement, further providing for sentencing generally, for fine, for collection of restitution, reparation, fees, costs, fines and penalties and for payment of court costs; in sentencing, providing that restitution established by the evidence as owed to a victim shall be imposed in accordance with 18 Pa.C.S. 1106 (relating to restitution for injuries to person or property); in licensing of drivers, repealing provisions relating to fines and further providing for failure to pay fine by providing for considerations when imposing fines and costs, that imprisonment may not be instituted solely out of a defendant's inability to pay, that if a felony or misdemeanor charge is reduced to a summary offense or if a case is consolidated, the defendant shall be liable only for costs associated with the summary or consolidated offense; in financial responsibility, providing for definitions; and in penalties and disposition of fines, providing that the inability to pay shall not limit access to diversionary programs or serve as grounds for removal or suspension from the program. Further provides for alternative sentences. Prohibits the court room holding a defendant in contempt, or alter the defendant's payment plan without the defendant's consent. Provides for considerations of the court related to ability to pay fines, costs or restitution. Provides for the court to institute community service in lieu of paying fines or costs' repeals suspension of operating privilege for failure to respond to citation. Provides that upon plea and proof that a person is unable to pay any find and costs imposed, the court may order payment of the fine and costs in installments and shall fix the amounts, times and manner of payment, any person who does not comply with an order may be imprisoned. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 148 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Judiciary

HB303 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.
Sponsor: Rep. Patrick J. Harkins (D)
Summary: (PN 258) Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions, to specify disabled veterans shall be issued a regular hunting, regular furtaking, antlerless deer, bear, archery, muzzleloader, migratory game bird, elk, special wild turkey or a pheasant license without a related fee. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 258 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB493 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, providing for harvesting of certain antlered deer by senior license holders; and abrogating regulations.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Summary: (PN 462) Amends Title 34 (Game) adding a new section allowing a senior license holder to harvest an antlered deer with two or more points on one antler or a spike three or more inches in length. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 462 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Rules

H - Reported as committed - House Game & Fisheries

H - Re-reported as committed - House Rules

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Re-committed to - House Rules

HB495 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations.
Sponsor: Rep. Brian Smith (R)
Summary: (PN 464) Amends Title 34 (Game), in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regular antlered deer hunting season to open on the first Monday following Thanksgiving. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 464 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB523 - An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, in personal income tax, further providing for operational provisions and providing for contributions for Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Sponsor: Rep. Ed Neilson (D)
Summary: (PN 491) Amends Tax Reform Code, in personal income tax, further providing for operational provisions and providing for contributions for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Provides each entity receiving money shall report annually to the respective committees of the House of Representatives and Senate that have jurisdiction over the appropriation matters on the amount received via the checkoff plan and how the funds were utilized. Further provides the Department of Revenue (DOR) to provide a space on the Pennsylvania individual income tax return whereby an individual may voluntarily designate a contribution for the Pennsylvania fish and wildlife management. Directs the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and Pennsylvania Game Commission to report annually to the respective committees of the House of Representatives and Senate that have jurisdiction over fishing and game matters on the amount received via the checkoff plan and how the funds were utilized. Effective in 90 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 491 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Finance

HB669 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, further providing for unlawful devices and methods; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for denial or revocation of licenses and for period of revocation.
Sponsor: Rep. Melissa L. Shusterman (D)
Summary: (PN 612) Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking, further providing for unlawful devices and methods to include any device or method that involves the beating of any game or wildlife. Iin hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for denial or revocation of licenses and for period of revocation. Makes organizational changes. Adds that individuals who have been convicted of, pleated quality or entered a plea of nolo contendere to a violation relating to aggravated cruelty to an animal will have their license revoked. Provides for the revocation of privilege for any person who has committed a violation of any provision of the act or was convicted on a first or subsequent offense. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 612 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB877 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, providing for active duty military fishing reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual fishing license reciprocity; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, providing for active duty military hunting reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual hunting license reciprocity.
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Pielli (D)
Summary: (PN 853) Amends Title 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), providing for active duty military fishing reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual fishing license reciprocity; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, providing for active duty military hunting reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual hunting license reciprocity. Provides that any person who possesses a valid and lawfully issued active duty military fishing license or permit issued under the laws of another state may fish in any of the waters of the commonwealth or in any boundary waters if the state provides a reciprocal privilege for a nonresident individual on active duty in the armed forces of the U.S. and the attorney general determines that the fishing laws of the state are similar to the fishing laws of the commonwealth. Further provides that any person who possesses a valid and lawfully issued disabled veteran annual fishing license or permit issued under the laws of another state may fish in any of the waters of the commonwealth or in any boundary waters if the state provides a reciprocal privilege for individuals possessing a disabled veteran annual fishing license and the attorney general determines that the fishing laws of the state are similar to the fishing laws of the commonwealth. Provides that any person who possesses a valid and lawfully issued active duty military hunting license or permit may hunt in the commonwealth if the state provides a reciprocal privilege for individuals possessing an active duty military hunting license and the attorney general determines that the hunting laws of the state are similar to the hunting laws of the commonwealth. Further provides that any person who possesses a valid and lawfully issued disabled veteran annual hunting license or permit issued under the laws of another state may hunt in the commonwealth if the state provides a reciprocal privilege for individuals possessing a disabled veteran annual hunting license and the attorney general determines that the hunting laws of the state are similar to the hunting laws of the commonwealth. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 853 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 853 -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Reported as committed - House Game & Fisheries

H - Removed from table

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Third consideration and final passage

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

HB1051 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in game or wildlife protection, providing for unlawful release of certain balloons; and imposing a penalty.
Sponsor: Rep. Steven R. Malagari (D)
Summary: (PN 1065) Amends Title 34 (Game), in game or wildlife protection, providing for unlawful release of certain balloons, except for balloons released by or behalf of any agency of the commonwealth or the United States, or under contract with the commonwealth, the United States or any other state, territory or government for scientific or meteorological purposes, or hot air balloons that are recovered after launch. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1065 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1113 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in special licenses and permits, further providing for definitions, for exotic wildlife possession permits and for menagerie permits.
Sponsor: Rep. Melissa L. Shusterman (D)
Summary: (PN 1168) Amends Title 34 (Game), in special licenses and permits, further providing for definitions, to update the definitions of exotic wildlife possession permits and for menagerie permits. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1168 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1300 (Chapter 34) - An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in emergency COVID-19 response, further providing for Whole-Home Repairs Program and providing for declined and unclaimed allocations and for adult mental health program funding; providing for tenant protections, for 911 emergency communication services, for medical debt relief and for institutions of purely public charity; in cigarette sales and licensing, further providing for definitions and providing for presumed cost of doing business by retailer, for presumed cost of doing business by stamping agent and for presumed cost of doing business by wholesaler; providing for indigent defense; in oil and gas wells, further providing for Oil and Gas Lease Fund; in transportation network companies, motor carrier companies and parking authority of a city of the first class, providing for designated municipal agent and authorized salvor for city of the first class and for operation as taxicab; in assessments, providing for Statewide quality care assessment; providing for transportation pilot programs; in human services, providing for payment increase for dental services and for abrogation of department procurement; providing for Attorney General, for mixed-use revitalization and for Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council; in special funds, further providing for funding and providing for extension of payments; in additional special funds and restricted accounts, further providing for establishment of special fund and account, for use of fund and for distributions from Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund and repealing provisions relating to Enhanced Revenue Collection Account; in additional special funds and restricted accounts, further providing for definitions, for Sports Tourism and Marketing Account and for transfer of funds and providing for Facility Transition Account, for Service and Infrastructure Improvement Fund and for School Environmental Repairs Program Restricted Account; in general budget implementation, further providing for executive offices, for Department of Agriculture, for Department of Community and Economic Development, for Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, for Department of Education, for Department of Health, for Department of Human Services, for Pennsylvania State Police, for Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and for surcharges, repealing provisions relating to deposit into School Safety and Security Fund, further providing for Federal and Commonwealth use of forest land and for Multimodal Transportation Fund, repealing provisions relating to sales by distilleries and providing for Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board wholesale licensee discount program; in 2022-2023 budget implementation, further providing for Department of Education and for Department of Human Services; providing for 2023-2024 budget implementation, for 2023-2024 restrictions on appropriations for funds and accounts, for 2023-2024 fund transfers, for prior year appropriations and for Commonwealth Housing Council; imposing penalties; making repeals; and making an editorial change.
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas L. Mehaffie (R)
Summary: (PN 2441) Repeals provisions amending the Pennsylvania Long-term Care Council Act. Inserts new, extensive provisions providing for 2023-2024 budget implementation, for 2023-2024 restrictions on appropriations for funds and accounts for prior year appropriations. Makes related repeals. Effective immediately. (Prior Printer Number(s): 1378, 1446, 1943, 2107)   (PN 2107) Repeals provisions amending the Pennsylvania Long-term Care Council Act. Inserts new, extensive provisions providing for 2023-2024 budget implementation, for 2023-2024 restrictions on appropriations for funds and accounts for prior year appropriations. Makes repeals. Effective immediately. (Prior Printer Number(s): 1378, 1446, 1943)   (PN 1943) Repeals provisions amending the Pennsylvania Long-term Care Council Act. Inserts new, extensive provisions providing for 2023-2024 budget implementation, for 2023-2024 restrictions on appropriations for funds and accounts for prior year appropriations. Makes repeals. Effective immediately. (Prior Printer Number(s): 1378, 1446)   (PN 1446) Amends the Pennsylvania Long-term Care Council Act, further providing for Pennsylvania Long-term Care Council to indicate the council shall include one member who represents the Office of the Long-term Care Ombudsman. Effective immediately. (Prior Printer Number(s): 1378)   (PN 1378) Amends the Pennsylvania Long-term Care Council Act, further providing for Pennsylvania Long-term Care Council to indicate the council shall include one member who represents the Office of the Long-term Care Ombudsman. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1446 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 1446 -  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1378 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1943 -  HTML  PDF 
Senate Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 1943 -  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 2107 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 2107 -  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 2441 -  HTML  PDF 
12/13/2023 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
12/13/2023 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced


H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Reported as amended - House Aging & Older Adult Services

H - Removed from table

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Third consideration and final passage

S - Referred to - Senate Aging & Youth

S - First consideration

S - Reported as committed - Senate Aging & Youth

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as amended - Senate Appropriations

S - Third consideration and final passage 

H - Referred to - House Rules

H - Amended in House Committee on - House Rules

H - Re-reported as amended - House Rules

H - House concurred in Senate amendments, as amended by the House


S - Re-reported as amended - Senate Rules & Executive Nominations

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Senate concurred in House amendments to Senate amendments, as amended by the Senate 

H - Received as amended in the House and referred to - House Rules

H - Re-reported on concurrence, as committed

H - Laid out for discussion

H - House concurred in Senate amendments to House amendments 

H - Signed in House

S - Signed in Senate

G - Presented to the Governor

G - Approved by the Governor - Act 34

H - Discussed during informational meeting - House Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness

S - Discussed during budget hearing with the PA Fish and Boat Commission and PA Game Commission - Senate Appropriations

H - Discussed during budget hearing with the Dept. of Human Services - House Appropriations

HB1324 - An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in riot, disorderly conduct and related offenses, prohibiting the purchase, sale, offer for sale or possession with intent to sell covered animal parts or products; and imposing penalties.
Sponsor: Rep. Leanne Krueger (D)
Summary: (PN 1516) Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses), in riot, prohibiting the purchase, sale, offer or possession with intent to sell any item that the person knows or should know is a covered animal part or product. Provides exceptions and penalties. Effective in six months.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1516 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Judiciary

HB1440 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for powers and duties of commission; in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for classes of licenses and for license costs and fees; and making an editorial change.
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas L. Mehaffie (R)
Summary: (PN 1640) Amends Title 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for powers and duties of commission; in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for classes of licenses and for license costs and fees. Adds that the commission can establish license and permit fees and outlines the requirements. Removes language related to classes of licenses. Establishes the general rule that any person must obtain the applicable resident or nonresident hunting or furtaking license and provides for limitations. Strikes language related to the cost of licenses and the specific costs and fees. Provides that the commission may sett applicable fees for a license and provides for limitations on fee setting. Makes editorial changes. Effective 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1640 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1451 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in special licenses and permits, further providing for definitions, for exotic wildlife possession permits, for menagerie permits and for exclusions.
Sponsor: Rep. Joseph C. Hohenstein (D)
Summary: (PN 1635) Amends Title 34 (Game), in special licenses and permits, providing a definition of "direct contact" and "ruminants" and providing it is unlawful to permit the public to feed or have direct contact with exotic wildlife or wildlife, expect ruminants, for exotic wildlife possession and menagerie permits. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1635 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 1635 -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Rules

H - Reported as committed - House Game & Fisheries

H - Re-reported as committed - House Rules

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Re-committed to - House Rules

H - Re-reported as committed - House Rules

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Third consideration and final passage

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

HB1475 - An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in cruelty to animals, further providing for definitions and providing for the offense of the use of live pigeons for targets at trap shoot or block shoot.
Sponsor: Rep. Perry S. Warren (D)
Summary: (PN 1661) Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses), in cruelty to animals, further providing for definitions of trap shoot or block shoot and providing for the offense of the use of live pigeons for targets at trap shoot or block shoot. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1661 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1508 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for organization of commission; and, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Summary: (PN 1724) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for organization of commission; and, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission. Removes language related to the consent of a majority of the members elected to the Senate for the appointment of the ten citizens to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat commission and replaces it with for each each district. Provides the member requirements and outlines the appointment process. Adds further definitions. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1724 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - Discussed during informational meeting - House Game & Fisheries

HB1522 - An Act establishing the Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Program and the Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Fund; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Sponsor: Rep. Tarah Probst (D)
Summary: (PN 2071) Amends the act establishing the Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Program and the Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Fund, imposes duties on the Pennsylvania Game Commission and makes annual interfund transfers. Updates wildlife intake calculations. Allows the General Assembly to appropriate money to carry out the provisions of the act. Effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 1745)   (PN 1745) The Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Program Act and the Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Fund are established to award grants to wildlife rehabilitators. Specifies definitions. Imposes duties on the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) to establish and administer the program, as well as implement any necessary policy or procedure necessary to administer the program and fund. Provides for eligible uses of grants and the grant process. Establishes the Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Fund as a nonlapsing fund in the State Treasury and makes annual interfund transfers of $300,000 from the fund to the Game Fund. Provides for reports. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1745 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 2071 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 2071 -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - Reported as amended - House Game & Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Third consideration and final passage

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

HB1572 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission and for meetings of commission.
Sponsor: Rep. Joe Ciresi (D)
Summary: (PN 1848) Amends Title 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission and for meetings of commission to move Carbon and Monroe Counties from the ninth district to the seventh district. Indicates that five members of the commission shall constitute a quorum. Effective in 60 days. (PN 1848) Amends Title 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission and for meetings of commission to move Carbon and Monroe Counties from the ninth district to the seventh district. Indicates that five members of the commission shall constitute a quorum. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1848 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1719 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fiscal affairs, further providing for establishment and use of Game Fund.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Summary: (PN 2042) Amends Title 34 (Game), in fiscal affairs, further providing for establishment and use of Game Fund. Provides that money in the Game Fund established under the act may not be transferred by an entity other than the Pennsylvania Game Commission and may not be transferred for a use inconsistent with the act. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2042 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1780 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for elk hunting licenses.
Sponsor: Rep. Barry J. Jozwiak (R)
Summary: (PN 2190) Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for elk hunting licenses. Provides for the transfer of elk hunting licenses. Prohibits monetary gain as a result of license transferal and imposes penalties for transferring a license or receiving a transferred license in violation of the subsection. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2190 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1802 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of enforcement officers.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Summary: (PN 2223) Amends Title 34 (Game), in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of enforcement officers. Prohibits the listing of any officer's home address on a citation, special permit or any other official business issued by the officer. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2223 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1846 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in enforcement, further providing for revocation, suspension or denial of license, permit or registration; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for denial or revocation of licenses and for period of revocation.
Sponsor: Rep. Brett R. Miller (R)
Summary: (PN 2298) Amends Title 34 (Game), in enforcement, further providing for revocation, suspension or denial of license, permit or registration; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for denial or revocation of licenses and for period of revocation. Provides magisterial district judges or courts with the jurisdiction to revoke, suspend or deny licenses, permits or registrations. Provides for the restoration of a license or privilege should violation charges be dropped or dismissed. Establishes a second or subsequent offense of violating the provisions will result in the denial of the privilege to hunt or take game or wildlife within the commonwealth with or without a license for a period not to exceed five years. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2298 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1894 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection of property and waters, further providing for restrictions on transport, sale, importation or release of nonnative injurious fish; and, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for unlawful importation of game or wildlife.
Sponsor: Rep. Abby Major (R)
Summary: (PN 2379) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in protection of property and waters, further providing for restrictions on transport, sale, importation or release of nonnative injurious fish to assert any person who negligently or intentionally violates this section commits a misdemeanor of the first degree; and, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for unlawful importation of game or wildlife to assert any person who negligently or intentionally violates this section commits a misdemeanor of the first degree. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2379 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB1959 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for residents.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Summary: (PN 2493) Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for residents to assert that any person who is not a resident of this commonwealth but has paid property taxes in this commonwealth within the current or prior licensing season and who establishes identity and proof of payment of property taxes in this commonwealth to the satisfaction of the commission shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be considered a resident of this commonwealth. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2493 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HB2106 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations; in hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, providing for hunting on Sunday, repealing provisions relating to trespass on private property while hunting and to hunting on Sunday without written permission, providing for the offense of trespass on private land while hunting or furtaking and for the offense of hunting, trapping or taking game or wildlife without written permission and further providing for training dogs on small game; in special licenses and permits, further providing for field dog trials; and imposing penalties.
Sponsor: Rep. Mandy Steele (D)
Summary: (PN 3418)  Amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, providing for temporary Sunday hunting authorized and for hunting on private land, state forests or land owned by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and training on Sunday, provides that beginning on July 1, 2028, it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt for any furbearer or game on Sunday, provides for exceptions for trapping and certain Sundays, repealing provisions relating to trespass on private property while hunting and to hunting on Sunday without written permission, providing for the offense of trespass on private land while hunting or furtaking and for the offense of hunting, trapping or taking game or wildlife without written permission, excludes unarmed individuals, and further providing for training dogs on small game; in special licenses and permits, further providing for field dog trials; and imposing penalties. Effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 2690, 3165)   (PN 3165) Amends Title 34 (Game), in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations; in hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, providing for hunting on Sunday, repealing provisions relating to trespass on private property while hunting and to hunting on Sunday without written permission, providing for the offense of trespass on private land while hunting or furtaking and for the offense of hunting, trapping or taking game or wildlife without written permission and further providing for training dogs on small game; in special licenses and permits, further providing for field dog trials; and imposing penalties. Repeals current language regarding Sunday exceptions and hunting prohibitions. Allows any individual who has secured a hunting license to lawfully hunt for any furbearer or game on any day of the week, but provides an exception for an individual who attempts to hunt on private land without obtaining written permission of the owner or a lessee of the private land or another authorized person. Repeals current language regarding trespass on private property while hunting. Defines certain trespassing offenses of an individual engaged in hunting or furtaking that is not licensed or privileged to do so or uses dogs for the hunting or furtaking. Provides for the grading of such offenses and the enforcement of the section. Exempts from subsection (a)(4) counties of the first class; an unarmed individual who enters onto posted or marked property for the sole purpose of retrieving a hunting dog; and such an individual if the property is private land that is fenced or enclosed in a manner manifestly designed to exclude trespassers or if the property is private land posted as an agricultural biosecurity area unless the individual attempts to make contact with the landowner or an agent thereof of the private land prior to entering onto the private land. Defines the summary offense of the third degree of hunting, trapping or taking game or wildlife without written permission by any means or manner or device. Repeals language prohibiting the training of dogs on privately owned property on Sunday. Section 9 shall be effective immediately. The remainder of the act shall be effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 2690)   (PN 2690) Amends Title 34 (Game), in game or wildlife protection, to further provide for regulations by removing language stating Sundays excepted; in hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, adding a section providing for hunting on Sunday, repealing provisions relating to trespass on private property while hunting and to hunting on Sunday without written permission, adding sections providing for the offense of trespass on private land while hunting or furtaking and for the offense of hunting, trapping or taking game or wildlife without written permission and further providing for training dogs on small game to repeal language relating to Sunday limitation; in special licenses and permits, further providing for field dog trials to repeal language relating to when the meet or trial is to be held on Sunday; and imposing penalties. Establishes a general rule and exception for hunting on Sunday. Defines the offense of trespassing on private land while hunting or furtaking. Provides grading for the first violation, second violation and third or subsequent violation. Specifies that the director shall authorize the police department of each municipal corporation to assist in the enforcement of this section as necessary. Outlines applicability. Defines the offense of hunting, trapping or taking game or wildlife without written permission, and provides for grading. Section 9 shall be effective immediately. The remainder of the act shall be effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2690 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 3165 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 3418 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 3418 -  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 3427 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 3427 -  PDF 
04/05/2024 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
04/08/2024 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - Discussed during informational meeting - House Game & Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee as Amended - House Game & Fisheries

H - Reported as amended - House Game & Fisheries

H - Motion to Object to Committee Report

H - Validity of Committee Report Sustained

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Placed on HVS

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Second consideration, with amendments

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Voted Favorably From Committee as Amended - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as amended - House Appropriations

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Third consideration and final passage

HB2107 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection of property and persons, providing for mitigation of damage and for registry of responsible hunters.
Sponsor: Rep. Mandy Steele (D)
Summary: (PN 3376) Amending Title 34 (Game), in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of enforcement officers, provides for any officer whose duty it is to enforce the title may not list any officer’s home address on a citation, special permit or any other official business, and, in protection of property and persons, provides definitions. Provides for damage caused by deer or other game upon crops, vegetables, livestock, poultry or beehives. Allows the farmer or an authorized agent of the farmer to kill and dress the deer or other game on the private land, contact the commission to report the killing and transport the carcass to a licensed processor without waiting for an authorized agent of the commission to remove the deer or other game. Allows for the killing only for the purpose of protecting crops, vegetables, livestock, poultry or beehives on private land and prohibits such a killing for food consumption by the household of the farmer or farmer-authorized agent. Provides for the establishment of a registry of responsible hunters within two years of the subsection effective date to assist farmers with the killing and dressing of deer and other game-causing damage on farmers’ private land. Effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 2691)   (PN 2691) Amends Title 34 (Game), in protection of property and persons, providing for mitigation of damage and for registry of responsible hunters. Provides definitions. Provides for damage caused by deer or other game upon crops, vegetables, livestock, poultry or beehives. Allows the farmer or an authorized agent of the farmer to kill and dress the deer or other game on the private land, contact the commission to report the killing and transport the carcass to a licensed processor without waiting for an authorized agent of the commission to remove the deer or other game. Allows for the killing only for the purpose of protecting crops, vegetables, livestock, poultry or beehives on private land and prohibits such a killing for food consumption by the household of the farmer or farmer-authorized agent. Provides for the establishment of a registry of responsible hunters within two years of the subsection effective date to assist farmers with the killing and dressing of deer and other game-causing damage on farmers’ private land. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2691 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 3376 -  HTML  PDF 
04/05/2024 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
05/22/2024 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - Discussed during informational meeting - House Game & Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Game & Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game & Fisheries

H - Motion to Object to Committee Report

H - Validity of Committee Report Sustained

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Placed on HVS

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Second consideration, with amendments

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Third consideration and final passage

HB2108 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission.
Sponsor: Rep. Mandy Steele (D)
Summary: (PN 3377) Amending Title 34 (Game), in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; and, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission, Amends section 102 to provide for definitions, stipulates that the governor shall ensure that at least one member of the commission is knowledgeable in the area of wildlife management and actively engaged in a normal agricultural operation as defined in the Right-to-Farm Law. Prohibits the commission from hiring or being represented by a lobbyist, lobbying firm or political consultant. Directs the commission to adopt and periodically review an ethics policy. Effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 2692)   (PN 2692) Amends Title 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission. Amends section 301(a) to add language stating subject to subsection (b.1). Adds a subsection providing for additional consideration, stipulating that the governor shall ensure that at least one member of the commission is knowledgeable in the area of wildlife management and actively engaged in a normal agricultural operation as defined in the Right-to-Farm Law. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2692 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 3377 -  HTML  PDF 
04/05/2024 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
05/22/2024 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - Discussed during informational meeting - House Game & Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Game & Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game & Fisheries

H - Motion to Object to Committee Report

H - Validity of Committee Report Sustained

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Placed on HVS

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Second consideration, with amendments

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Third consideration and final passage

HB2139 - An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in riot, disorderly conduct and related offenses, providing for the offense of use of live pigeons for target.
Sponsor: Rep. Perry S. Warren (D)
Summary: (PN 2751) Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses), in riot, disorderly conduct and related offenses, adding a section to provide for the offense of use of live pigeons for target. Provides that a person commits a summary offense if they willfully organize, operate, conduct or knowingly permit premises to be owned, leased or used for a contest event in which live pigeons are used as targets for either amusement or as a test of skill in marksmanship that are launched or otherwise immediately presented to the shooter either manually or with electronic or mechanical assistance from a fixed location or locations with a predefined shooting field. Stipulates applicability. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 2751 -  HTML  PDF 
04/08/2024 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
04/29/2024 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Judiciary

H - Passed over in committee - House Judiciary

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Judiciary

H - Reported as committed - House Judiciary

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

HB2242 - A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for security from searches and seizures.
Sponsor: Rep. Stephenie Scialabba (R)
Summary: (PN 3006) Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution, further providing for security from searches and seizures to include land. A Joint Resolution proposing integrated amendments to the Constitution of Pennsylvania Constitutional amendments require approval in two consecutive legislative sessions and then approval by the voters through a referendum.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3006 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

S - Referred to - House Judiciary

HB2314 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fiscal affairs, further providing for appropriation and audit of moneys.
Sponsor: Rep. Joe Ciresi (D)
Summary: (PN 3378) Amends Title 34 (Game), in fiscal affairs, further providing for establishment and use of Game Fund and for appropriation and audit of moneys. Inserts a subsection stating that no moneys from the Game Fund, including amounts donated to the commission under the section relating to donations, may be used to purchase malt or brewed beverages, wine or liquor, including as a reimbursement for direct or indirect purchases made by members of the commission, the director or employees of the commission. Adds expirations of June 30, 2025, to section 522 (a) and (c). Asserts that beginning Jan. 1, 2025, the commission shall prepare and annually submit to the chairs of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees the required information and an analysis of and requests and recommendations regarding the itemized budget of amounts to be appropriated from the Game Fund. Provides that beginning with the 2025-26 fiscal year, moneys in the Game Fund shall be paid out upon appropriation by the General Assembly, and after requisition by the director of the commission, warrant of the State Treasurer. Effective immediately. (Prior Printer Number(s): 3151)   (PN 3151) Amends Title 34 (Game), in fiscal affairs, further providing for appropriation and audit of moneys. Adds expirations of June 30, 2025, to section 522 (a) and (c). Asserts that beginning Jan. 1, 2025, the commission shall prepare and annually submit to the chairs of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees the required information and an analysis of and requests and recommendations regarding the itemized budget of amounts to be appropriated from the Game Fund. Provides that beginning with the 2025-26 fiscal year, moneys in the Game Fund shall be paid out upon appropriation by the General Assembly, and after requisition by the director of the commission, warrant of the State Treasurer. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3151 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 3378 -  HTML  PDF 
House Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 3378 -  PDF 
06/24/2024 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
06/25/2024 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Game & Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game & Fisheries

H - Motion to Object to Committee Report

H - Validity of Committee Report Sustained

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Placed on HVS

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Second consideration, with amendments

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

HB2508 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, further providing for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Pielli (D)
Summary: (PN3526) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in fishing licenses, further providing for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions. Makes editorial changes throughout the act to replace certain language providing for war or armed conflict with “military” and “military service.” Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 3526 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

HCO376 - Amends Title 34 to return the opening day of antlered deer rifle season to the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday.
Sponsor: Rep. Brian Smith (R)
Bill Text: 12/13/2022 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HB495

HCO1339 - Allows senior license holders to harvest antlered deer with at least two points on one side or a spike antler at least three inches in length.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Bill Text: 03/03/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HB493

HCO1366 - Amends Title 34 to return the opening day of antlered deer rifle season to the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday.
Sponsor: Rep. Brian Smith (R)
Bill Text: 03/08/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO1968 - Authorizes the Pennsylvania Game Commission to have the ability to create and maintain classifications of hunting and trapping licenses and the fees for each license classification.
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas L. Mehaffie (R)
Bill Text: 06/14/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HB1440

HCO1994 - Allows sportsmen's groups in each representative commissioner districts to nominate candidates for appointment to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Bill Text: 06/20/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HB1508

HCO2065 - Removes Carbon County and Monroe County from the Ninth District to add them to the Seventh District under the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Lowers the number of commissioners needed to constitute a meeting quorum from six to five.
Sponsor: Rep. Joe Ciresi (D)
Bill Text: 06/29/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO2265 - Considers amending Title 34, the Pennsylvania Game and Wildlife Code, to further protect money held in the Game Fund.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Bill Text: 09/21/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO2286 - Transfers the authority to deny, revoke or suspend hunting licenses from the Game Commission to the courts.
Sponsor: Rep. Brett R. Miller (R)
Bill Text: 09/25/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HB1846

HCO2400 - Directs conservation officers to use a post office box or the address of their headquarters instead of their home address for the purpose of citations and business mail.
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Bill Text: 10/24/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO2580 - Resident Hunting License Fee for Non-Residents Who Pay Real Estate Taxes in Pennsylvania
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Maloney (R)
Summary: Considers amending Title 34 (Game) to allow non-resident individuals who pay taxes on private real estate property in Pennsylvania to receive a hunting license at the resident rate.
Bill Text: 01/03/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HB1959

HCO2753 - Repealing the Prohibition on Sunday Hunting in Pennsylvania
Sponsor: Rep. Mandy Steele (D)
Summary: Considers a package of legislation to amend Title 34 (Game) to repeal the prohibition on Sunday hunting and increase penalties for trespassing on private property, amend Title 34 (Game) to direct the Pennsylvania Game Commission to create an online network, and amend Title 34 (Game) to require that at least one member of the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners has a background in agriculture.
Bill Text: 02/22/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO2887 - Protecting Farmers, Sportsmen's Clubs, Private Land & Property
Sponsor: Rep. Stephenie Scialabba (R)
Summary: Proposes a constitutional amendment to Section 8 of the PA Constitution to expressly reference "land" as being protected from warrantless searches and seizures.
Bill Text: 03/26/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

H - Introduced HB2242

HCO3161 - Open Fields Doctrine/Entry Statutes - Protecting Private Land from Warrantless Searches by Game Wardens
Sponsor: Rep. Stephenie Scialabba (R)
Summary: Prohibits the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) from entering any private property when reasonable notice against trespass is posted by a landowner and requires a game warden with probable cause to petition a court of competent jurisdiction for a warrant before entering a private property.
Bill Text: 04/17/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO3470 - Reduced Hunting and Fishing License Fee for Law Enforcement
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Rigby (R)
Summary: Considers establishing a reduced fee for hunting and fishing licenses for law enforcement, including Local Police Officers, State Troopers, and Correction Officers. 
Bill Text: 07/08/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HCO3478 - Free Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Peacetime Veterans with a Disability
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Pielli (D)
Summary: Aims to give peacetime veterans with a disability the same eligibility criteria for free or discounted hunting and fishing licenses as war and armed conflict veterans.
Bill Text: 07/11/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
H - Cosponsor memo filed

HR87 - A Resolution directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study and issue a report on the current status, management and benefits of conservation corridors in this Commonwealth.
Sponsor: Rep. Mary Jo Daley (D)
Summary: (PN 1029) Resolution directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study and issue a report on the current status, management and benefits of conservation corridors in this Commonwealth.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1038 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1037 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Corrective Reprint, Printer's No. 1038



H - Adopted

H - Discussed during committee meeting - Joint Legislative Budget & Finance

HR179 - A Resolution recognizing September 23, 2023, as "National Wild Turkey Federation Day" in Pennsylvania in conjunction with "National Hunting and Fishing Day."
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Armanini (R)
Summary: Resolution recognizing September 23, 2023, as "National Wild Turkey Federation Day" in Pennsylvania in conjunction with "National Hunting and Fishing Day."
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1863 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
H - Introduced

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

SB67 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, providing for hunting on Sunday and further providing for hunting on Sunday without written permission.
Sponsor: Sen. Daniel Laughlin (R)
Summary: (PN 1802) Amending Title 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for report to commission officer and for surrender of carcass to commission officer; in hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, providing for hunting on Sunday and further providing for the offense of trespass on private property while hunting and for hunting on Sunday without written permission; and, in special licenses and permits, providing for agriculture access permit list. Provides for organization of commission, outlining composition and striking out qualification. Provides that the governor shall ensure that at least one member of the commission represents the interest of agricultural commodities that pertain to normal agriculture operations and wildlife. Strikes out the definition of “agricultural commissioner at large.” Defines “agricultural commodity” and “normal agriculture operation.” Amends the section relative to report to commission officer. Provides the commission shall establish a self-reporting system that allows a person assigned to remove deer for crop damage purposes to report each harvest to an officer of the commission via a toll-free telephone number, online application or publicly accessible internet website. Repeals section 2303 of Title 34 relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited. Amends the section on Sunday hunting, providing authority to hunt on any Sunday instituted by the commission under subsection (a) shall not apply to any person required to secure a hunting license who attempts to hunt on private land without obtaining written permission from the landowner, an agent of the landowner or a lessee. Grades offenses. Adds a section providing for agriculture access permit list. Provides for application, criteria, notice, duration, landowners, guidelines, boundaries, termination of access, removal from list, and limitations. Defines “applicant,” “eligible hunting grounds,” list,” and “permittee.” Section 7 shall be effective immediately. The remainder of this act shall be effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 345, 1437, 1686)   (PN 1686) Amending Title 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for report to commission officer and for surrender of carcass to commission officer; in hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, providing for hunting on Sunday and further providing for the offense of trespass on private property while hunting and for hunting on Sunday without written permission.; and, in special licenses and permits, providing for agriculture access permit list. Adds subsection for organization of commission. Provides for composition and qualification. Defines “agricultural commissioner at large,” “agricultural commodity,” and “normal agriculture operation.” Amends section for report to commission officer. Provides the commission shall establish a self-reporting system that allows a person assigned to remove deer for crop damage purposes to report each harvest to an officer of the commission via a toll-free telephone number, online application or publicly accessible internet website. Amends section on Sunday hunting, providing authority to hunt on any Sunday instituted by the commission under subsection (a) shall not apply to any person required to secure a hunting license who attempts to hunt on private land without obtaining written permission of the landowner, an agent of the landowner or a lessee. Revises language for the summary offense of the second degree from “shall” to “may.” Adds section for agriculture access permit list. Provides for application, criteria, notice, duration, landowners, guidelines, boundaries, termination of access, removal from list, and limitations. Defines “applicant,” “eligible hunting grounds,” list,” and “permittee.” Section 7 shall be effective immediately. The remainder of this act shall be effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 345, 1437)   (PN 1437) Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, providing for hunting on Sunday and further providing for the offense of trespass on private property while hunting and for hunting on Sunday without written permission. Adds language “for the offense of and trespass on private property while hunting” and for hunting on Sunday without written permission. Provides revised penalties for offenses. Section 4 shall take effect immediately while the rest is effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 345)   (PN 345) Amends Title 34 (Game) adding language allowing the commission to institute Sunday hunting by regulation. Provides it shall be lawful for a person to hunt for any furbearer or game on Sunday on and after the publication of the final regulation. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 345 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1437 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1686 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1802 -  HTML  PDF 
Senate Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 1802 -  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - Voted Favorably From Committee as Amended - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - Reported as amended - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Laid on the table

S - Removed from table

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Amended on third consideration

S - Laid on the table

S - Removed from table

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Amended on third consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Third consideration and final passage 

H - Referred to - House Education

SB225 - An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in general budget implementation, further providing for Federal and Commonwealth use of forest land.
Sponsor: Sen. Cris Dush (R)
Summary: (PN 852) Amends the Fiscal Code in general budget implementation, further providing for federal and commonwealth use of forest land by increasing fees and linking it to the cost of inflation for land owned by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 938 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 852 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Local Government

S - Reported as amended - Senate Local Government

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

SB344 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.
Sponsor: Sen. Chris Gebhard (R)
Summary: (PN 688) Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions to specify that a college student who attends a college or university located in Pennsylvania is eligible for a resident hunting license, provided they applied to an issuing agent or commission, presented a valid college identification card and paid the issuing agent or the commission a license fee and issuing agent fee. Adds that eligible colleges student may be exempt from license fees for no more than four consecutive years. Effective in 60 days. (Prior printer number(s): 278) (PN 278) Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking licenses, to further provide for resident license and fee exemptions. Provides the conditions that a college student who attends a college or university located within Pennsylvania must meet to be eligible for a resident hunting license. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 688 -  HTML  PDF 
Senate Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 688 -  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 278 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Reported as amended - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Appropriations

S - Third consideration and final passage

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

SB439 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in property and buildings, further providing for price paid for acquisitions and improvements.
Sponsor: Sen. Daniel Laughlin (R)
Summary: (PN 425) Amends Title 34 (Game), in property and buildings, repealing provisions that limit the Pennsylvania Game Commission from purchasing property above $400 per acre except in the County of the Second Class. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 425 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

SB708 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations.
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa M. Boscola (D)
Summary: (PN 878) Amends Title 34 (Game), in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations. Adds that the regular antlered deer hunting season opens on the first Monday following Thanksgiving. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 878 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

SB709 (Chapter 13) - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for the offense of unlawful taking and possession of protected birds and for endangered or threatened species.
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa M. Boscola (D)
Summary: (PN 841) Amends Title 34 (Game), in game or wildlife protection, further providing for the offense of unlawful taking and possession of protected birds and for endangered or threatened species. Strikes out language amending section 925(b) relating to jurisdiction and penalties. Adds a paragraph to section 2164 (d) stating that notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), a violation of this section relating to birds listed under 16 U.S.C. § 668 that results in the killing of a bald eagle or golden eagle is, in addition to any other penalties, a summary offense punishable by a fine of $2,000. Adds a paragraph to section 2167(d) asserting that in addition to any other penalty, a violation of subsection (b) that results in the killing of a protected bird listed under 16 U.S.C. § 668 shall be graded one degree higher than the penalty provided under paragraph (1), (2) or (3). Effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 768)   (PN 768) Amends Title 34 (Game), further providing for jurisdiction and penalties to implement a summary offense of not less than $2,000 for violations that result in the killing of a bald eagle or golden eagle; and, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for the offense of unlawful taking and possession of protected birds and endangered or threatened species to incorporate violations and offenses that result in the killing of a bald eagle or golden eagle. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 841 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 768 -  HTML  PDF 
08/01/2023 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
04/10/2024 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
04/16/2024 - House Fiscal Note -  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Reported as amended - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - Second consideration

S - Third consideration and final passage 

H - Referred to - House Game & Fisheries

H - Voted Favorably From Committee - House Game & Fisheries

H - Reported as committed - House Game & Fisheries

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Second consideration

H - Re-committed to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Laid out for discussion

H - Third consideration and final passage

H - Signed in House

S - Signed in Senate

G - Presented to the Governor

G - Approved by the Governor - Act 13

SB916 (Chapter 51) - An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in registration of vehicles, providing for Pennsylvania Sportsman plate and establishing the Youth Hunting and Fishing Restricted Account.
Sponsor: Sen. Wayne Langerholc (R)
Summary: (PN 1786) Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in registration of vehicles, further providing for lost, stolen, damaged or illegible registration plate and for use of farm vehicle plates, adding a section to provide for Pennsylvania Sportsman plate and to establish the Youth Hunting and Fishing Restricted Account (account) in the State Treasury to be appropriated continuously to the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). Provides for the reissuance of a registration plate at no cost to the registrant in the same style as the original registration plate when determined by an authorized representative of the department or law enforcement that the registration plate is illegible from a reasonable distance. Provides for certain applications. Requires a truck or truck tractor bearing farm vehicle registration plates to be used exclusively upon a farm or farms owned or operated by the registrant of the vehicle or upon highways between such a farm or farms and a place of business or place of residence for the purpose of buying or selling agricultural commodities or supplies, regardless of whether the vehicle is operated by the registrant of the vehicle or an employee of the registrant of the vehicle. Directs the department, in consultation with PGC and PFBC, to design a special Pennsylvania Sportsman registration plate no later than 60 days after the effective date. Asserts that the department shall issue a Pennsylvania Sportsman registration plate to the person upon application and payment of a $40 fee, which shall be in addition to the registration fee. Provides for limitation on gross weight. Stipulates that the sum of $14 of each fee collected under subsection (b) shall be deposited into the account. Outlines how the money in the account shall be allocated. The amendment of 75 PA.C.S. §1333 (B.1) and 1344(A)(3) is effective in 60 days. The remainder of the act is effective immediately. (Prior Printer’s Number(s): 1510)   (PN 1510) Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in registration of vehicles, adding a section to provide for Pennsylvania Sportsman plate and to establish the Youth Hunting and Fishing Restricted Account (account) in the State Treasury to be appropriated continuously to the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). Directs the department, in consultation with PGC and PFBC, to design a special Pennsylvania Sportsman registration plate no later than 60 days after the effective date. Asserts that the department shall issue a Pennsylvania Sportsman registration plate to the person upon application and payment of a $40 fee, which shall be in addition to the registration fee. Provides for limitation on gross weight. Stipulates that the sum of $14 of each fee collected under subsection (b) shall be deposited into the account. Outlines how the money in the account shall be allocated. Effective immediately.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1510 -  HTML  PDF 
04/05/2024 - Senate Fiscal Note -  PDF 
Senate Fiscal Note - Printer's No. 1510 -  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1786 -  HTML  PDF 
06/26/2024 - House Republican Caucus Summary -  PDF 
06/26/2024 - House Democratic Caucus Summary -  PDF 
07/02/2024 - House Fiscal Note -  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Transportation

S - Voted Favorably From Committee - Senate Transportation

S - Reported as committed - Senate Transportation

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Re-referred to - Senate Appropriations

S - Voted Favorably From Committee - Senate Appropriations

S - Re-reported as committed - Senate Appropriations

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Third consideration and final passage

H - Referred to - House Transportation

H - Voted Favorably From Committee as Amended - House Transportation

H - Reported as amended - House Transportation

H - First consideration

H - Laid on the table

H - Removed from table

H - Placed on HVS

H - Second consideration

H - Re-referred to - House Appropriations

H - Re-reported as committed - House Appropriations

H - Third consideration and final passage


S - Voted Favorably From Committee  - Senate Rules & Executive Nominations

S - Re-reported on concurrence, as committed - Senate Rules & Executive Nominations

S - Laid out for discussion

S - Senate concurred in House amendments 

S - Signed in Senate

H - Signed in House

G - Presented to the Governor

G - Approved by the Governor - Act 51

SB1086 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for report to commission officer and for surrender of carcass to commission officer.
Sponsor: Sen. Greg Rothman (R)
Summary: (PN 1378) Amends Title 34 (Game), in game or wildlife protection, further providing for report to commission officer and for surrender of carcass to commission officer. Inserts language specifying that the report shall set forth the location of each carcass. Directs the commission to establish a self-reporting system that allows a person assigned to remove deer for crop damage purposes to report each harvest to an officer of the commission via a toll-free phone number, online application or publicly accessible website. Adds language to assert that the entire carcass shall be made available to any commission officer calling for them or delivered to a processor for final disposition. Makes editorial changes. Defines “processor” as used in this section. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1378 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

SB1087 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, further providing for the offense of trespass on private property while hunting.
Sponsor: Sen. Greg Rothman (R)
Summary: (PN 1438) Amends Title 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for report to commission officer and for surrender of carcass to commission officer; in hunting and furtaking, further providing for the offense of trespass on private property while hunting; and, in special licenses and permits, providing for agriculture access permit list. Adjust the title of section 1 and adds that the Pennsylvania Game Commission must consist of 10 competent citizens of Pennsylvania who are well informed about wildlife conservation and restoration and who shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the elected members of the Senate. Provides for qualification requirements and adds further definitions. Makes editorial changes. Establishes an Agriculture Access Permit created by the commission to connect licensed hunters with private agricultural landowners for crop damage mediation. Provides for application and eligibility requirements. Provides for notice requirements and guidelines permittees must adhere to as specified by the private agricultural landowner. Establishes boundaries and termination of access. Provides for the removal from the list of permittees and provides for limitations. Adds further definitions. Effective in 60 days. (Prior Printer Number(s): 1379).   (PN 1379) Amends Title 34 (Game), in hunting and furtaking, further providing for the offense of trespass on private property while hunting to increase trespass while hunting to further deter individuals from entering another’s private property during hunting seasons. Inserts language into the general rule to include a dog used by the person for hunting or furtaking. Details that subsection (a)(4) shall not apply in a county of the first class or a county of the second class. Removes language stating a person who violates subsection (a)(1) commits a summary offense of the third degree. Provides that a person who violates subsection (1)(1), (3) or (4) commits a summary offense of the second degree and may result in a forfeiture of privilege to hunt or take game or wildlife anywhere within this commonwealth for one year. Specifies that a person who violates subsection (a)(2) commits a misdemeanor and shall result in the forfeiture of the privilege to hunt or take game or wildlife anywhere within this commonwealth for three years. Provides that a person who commits a second or subsequent violation within seven years commits a misdemeanor, resulting in forfeiture of the privilege to hunt or take game or wildlife anywhere within this commonwealth for five years. effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1379 -  HTML  PDF 
Text - Printer's No. 1438 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - Voted Favorably From Committee as Amended - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - Reported as amended - Senate Game & Fisheries

S - First consideration

S - Second consideration

S - Laid on the table

S - Removed from table

S - Laid on the table

S - Removed from table

SB1088 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in special licenses and permits, providing for agriculture access permit list.
Sponsor: Sen. Greg Rothman (R)
Summary: (PN 1380) Amends Title 34 (Game), in special licenses and permits, adding a section to provide for agriculture access permit list. Directs the commission to create the agriculture access permit list to connect licensed hunters with private agricultural landowners for the purpose of crop damage mediation. Provides that an individual may submit an application for placement on the list and a permit under this section in a form and manner determined by the commission. Asserts that the commission shall provide an applicant with the option of applying for placement on the list and a permit under this section when the applicant is purchasing the applicant’s hunting license. Provides what shall apply for applications. Establishes the criteria an applicant shall meet at the time of submission of the application. Directs the commission to notify an applicant who has been approved or disapproved for placement on the list and a permit under this section. Provides that the commission shall issue a permit in accordance with the duration of the license period under section 2707 (relating to license periods), and upon the expiration of the license period, the commission shall remove each permittee from the list. Allows a private agricultural landowner to request the list from the commission. Provides for guidelines a permittee shall adhere to. Provides for boundaries and termination of access. Specifies that a permittee shall relinquish the permittee’s placement on the list and permit if the permittee commits an offense under this title, fails to comply with guidelines under subsection (h) or submits a request to the commission to be removed from the list. Directs the commission to limit the list and stipulates the commission may not share the list in a manner not specified under this section. Defines applicant, eligible hunting grounds, list and permittee. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1380 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

SB1089 - An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission.
Sponsor: Sen. Greg Rothman (R)
Summary: (PN 1381) Amends Title 34 (Game), in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission. Changes language to assert that the Pennsylvania Game Commission shall consist of 10 competent citizens. Inserts language providing that one member of the commission shall be known as the Agricultural Commissioner At Large who shall represent the interest of agricultural commodities that pertain to normal agricultural operation and wildlife. Defines Agricultural Commissioner At Large, agricultural commodity and normal agricultural operation. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1381 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

SB1194 - An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of waterways conservation officers and deputies; and, in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of enforcement officers.
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa Baker (R)
Summary: (PN 1613) Amends Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game), in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of waterways conservation officers and deputies; and, in enforcement, further providing for powers and duties of enforcement officers. Provides provisions for water conservation officers, Game Commission officers and wildlife officers may wear body cameras in the performance of their duties. Provides that this does not apply to deputy water conservation officers, Game Commission and wildlife officers. Effective in 60 days.
Bill Text: Text - Printer's No. 1613 -  HTML  PDF 
Bill History:
S - Introduced

S - Referred to - Senate Game & Fisheries

SCO825 - Amends the opening day of Pennsylvania deer rifle season to the Monday after Thanksgiving.
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa M. Boscola (D)
Bill Text: 03/08/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
S - Cosponsor memo filed

S - Introduced SB708

SCO1327 - Hunting for Crop Damage Solutions: Legislative Package
Sponsor: Sen. Greg Rothman (R)
Summary: Removes barriers for farmers and hunters to increase hunting access. 
Bill Text: 12/08/2023 - Text -
Bill History:
S - Cosponsor memo filed

S - Introduced SB1086

S - Introduced SB1087

S - Introduced SB1088

S - Introduced SB1089

SCO1339 - The use of drones in recovering downed game
Sponsor: Sen. Jarrett Coleman (R)
Summary: Provides for the Pennsylvania Game Commission to remove fines and criminal charges relating to the use of unmanned drones in the recovery of downed game. 
Bill Text: 01/02/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
S - Cosponsor memo filed

SCO1387 - Pennsylvania Sportsman License Plate
Sponsor: Sen. Wayne Langerholc (R)
Summary: Creates a new special registration license plate for Pennsylvania sportsmen who hunt, fish and are active woodsmen.
Bill Text: 01/29/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
S - Cosponsor memo filed

S - Introduced SB916

S - Referred to - Senate Transportation

SCO1858 - Further Body Camera Authorization at the Game Commission and Fish & Boat Commission
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa Baker (R)
Summary: Authorizes deputy law enforcement officers with both the Fish and Boat Commission and the Game Commission to wear body cameras.
Bill Text: 04/05/2024 - Text -
Bill History:
S - Cosponsor memo filed